Chapter One

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Now - November 2041

Seth Richardson sat cross-legged on a table in her History classroom, her beautiful blond hair in a side ponytail and her green eyes flickering around the room from her friends, to the people she hated. Next to her, was her best friend, Spencer Williams. Spencer’s long brown hair went down her back and swished every time she moved her head to listen to one of her friends talking. She would repeatedly look down at her black and blue Queensfield Marching Band sweatshirt. Across from Spencer, was Chloe Moore. Chloe’s wide dark brown eyes smiled at everyone she looked at, even if she was upset. Her beautiful straight brown hair she had inherited from her mother shined, making every girl who walked by jealous of her natural shine and the fact she barely had to straighten it each morning. Next to her was Aria Benson. Aria wore her brown hair in a side braid. Her hazel eyes looked sad, even though she smiled.

From the looks of it, it looked like they were the nicest, sweetest girls in the whole school, but they looked at five girls nearby in disgust. 

“Someone really needs to show those bitches who really runs this school,” Seth said. 

“How are we gonna do that? They know everything about everyone. If we try to take them down, they could just do the same to us.” Chloe replied, stealing a glance at the five girls. 

The leader of the group was Carrie. In her tight Abercrombie shirt and her push-up bra, she was the one that regularly had a boyfriend. Her long, brown, flowing hair was straight as a pin and her light blue eyes sparkled. Her partner in crime, Eve, was almost as bad with the tight clothes, except she had nothing to show off. Her short blond hair was pulled into a perfect high ponytail. Sitting at the desk next to her was Macy, the brains of the group. Her brown hair was pulled into a messy bun and her blue Queensfield sweatshirt covered her torso. Rachel and Paige were their followers. Both with blond hair and small bodies. They looked like sisters, even though they weren’t. 

“Well, I don’t know about you, but I know a few dirty secrets about each one of them,” Set said, twirling a part of her ponytail. 

“Yeah, so do I. Rachel and Eve used to be my best friends. Back before Eve discovered boys and how make up made her unattractive face look ‘better.’” Spencer said, putting air quotes around better.

“And Macy and Carrie read like a book. I found their blogs, you know,” Aria said, picking at her braid. 

“So?” Chloe put in. “Just because we know some secrets doesn’t give us anyway for us to ruin them. What are we gonna do with them? They may not even be true.”

“No one sees your point, Chlo. You probably don’t even know what we’re talking about. You never do,” Seth said, in a fake snotty voice. 

“Don’t be so harsh on her, Seth,” Aria said, slightly hitting Seth in the harm. 

“We could always kill one of them,” Spencer said, not a trace of sarcasm in her voice. Aria, Seth and Chloe looked at her like she had two heads. “What?” Spencer shrugged. “We could totally get away with it. We have the looks, we know how to lie.” 

Chloe looked at Spencer, her eyes wide. “Spence, you’ve seen me lie to Mr. Greene before. I get all sweaty and I-” 

“Okay, okay, maybe that’s not a good idea,” Spencer said, stopping Chloe before she gave them all a mental image they didn’t want to relive.  

All four of them looked over at the group of five. Carrie, Eve, Rachel, Macy and Paige were nothing special. They were B-Listers, who were not even pretty, even with the three pounds of makeup they stuffed on their face in the morning. They didn’t have the greatest personalities and they could really use an attitude check, or that’s what Chloe’s mom had said.

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