Chapter Six

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It was a Monday night and Chloe and Seth stood in front of Seth's large bathroom mirror on the wall. 

Maybe if I don't eat anything while I'm out tonight, Chloe thought ,attempting to suck her stomach in, I will look as skinny as Seth. 

"Are you ready to go, Chlo?" Seth asked, flipping back her blond hair and smiling at Chloe. Chloe nodded. They where going to a local café that had live acoustic music everyday and the best coffee in town. It was one of Chloe's favorite places in the world because there, she felt like she could just think.  

When they arrived at the cafe, they found a small table close to the stage. They liked sitting close to the stage whenever they came here.  They liked how loud the music played up there and how it filled the small coffee shop with it. 

Chloe picked up the small piece of paper sitting in the middle of the table, saying who was playing tonight. "'Queensfield Bistro introducing Danny Gregory.'"

"Great," Seth said, taking a sip of her coffee, her slender hands wrapped around the large cup, "another old man." Chloe laughed. "Aren't you gonna get anything?" Seth asked her. Chloe just shook her head and shrugged. 

"Good afternoon, Queensfield Bistro," an skinny women with her brown hair tied up in a bun on the top of her head said into the microphone placed on the stage. "This boy was born in raised in Pike, the town right outside Queensfield. He's only 17 and he's here to play for you tonight." Chloe gave Seth a looked that said "You were so wrong." Seth just smirked. The announcer continued. "Ladies and gentlemen, Danny Gregory." Danny ran on stage, guitar in hand. He had on a black v-neck and skinny jeans, a piece that totally screamed, "I'm a douche!" But he genuinely looked like a nice person in the face. With eyes that said, "love me" and brown spiked hair, he really wasn't that bad looking.

"It's nice to see you all tonight," he said, sitting on the black stool placed I front of the mic. "I'm gonna play a couple songs for you tonight, if that's okay. This first one is one I wrote about the girl I haven't met, but I'm sure I will. It's called 'All About Her.'" He started to play the guitar and then the gorgeous notes I poured out of his mouth. He could sing, that was for sure. He made eye contact with Chloe and Seth and Chloe smiled at him and he smiled back, while singing. As he finished the song all the people in the small cafe let out an applause as he started the next one. And by the third, Chloe was in love with his voice, hanging on to every word he belted out, wishing she could jut take his voice home and listen to it forever.

When he finished his set, everyone started to leave except Chloe and Seth. Chloe watched Danny pack up his stuff, while Seth texted her boyfriend. 

"You did good tonight," Chloe said to Danny. 

"Thanks," he said, walking towards Chloe. "I'm Danny." He held out a large hand to shake and Chloe shook it.

"Chloe Moore," she said.

“Where do you go to school?” he asked.

“Queensfield Day. I’m a senior.”

“Private school? So are you like that preppy mean girl who thinks they’re better than everyone else?” 

Chloe smiled and shook her head. “No. No, I’m not. Where do you go?”

“I’m homeschooled. Since I travel a lot and...yeah.” 

“Danny! Can you help me with this?” a man said from backstage.

"Hey, I got to go, but please tell me this isn't the last time I'll see you," Danny said. 

Chloe blushed, writing her number on a napkin and giving it to Danny, "Oh, it won't be." She laughed, handing Danny the napkin. He smiled at her and walked backstage. 

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