Chapter Fifteen

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Chloe and Danny sat at a table at Queensfield Bistro. Danny was eating French fries and Chloe just watched him, taking a sip of her water every so often.

“Why aren’t you eating?” Danny asked, looking up at her.

“I’m just not hungry right now,” she lied. She was actually starving, but she wouldn’t give in now, so close to her goal.

"You know," Danny said, "We've been together so many times, but I've never seen you eat."

"I'm just never hungry." Chloe shrugged.

"You lie!" He laughed. "Here, eat these." He pushed his basket of fries towads Chloe.

"I told you, Danny, I'm not hungry."

"I don't care. Put some meat on those bones." He gives Chloe's arm a slight pat. "Now, here you go. Eat them all."

"No, Danny. I don't want them." She pushed them back towards Danny.

"Why? And don't say it's because you're not hungry."

"Because," Chloe started. She took in a big breath. "Because I don't eat." Danny's mouth dropped.

"Chloe..." he said. "No..."

"Well, when your surrounded by beautiful people, it makes you feel, well, not." She let out a small laugh.

"But Chloe, don't you see yourself. You're one of the most beautiful girls in the world."

Chloe blushed, "That's not enough. I'll never be enough for you. I'm not as pretty as everyone else. I'm sure you've had -"

"It's not about what I've had and everyone else. This is about you. Look at yourself. You are one of the sweetest, greatest people on the planet. No one should think otherwise, not even you." Chloe smiled shyly, as Danny kissed her forehead. And in that single moment, she had never felt so beautiful.


It was Christmas Eve and all the mothers of Spencer, Chloe, Aria and Seth, along with Bryce's dad and Keisha's mom were gathered around the Moore's living room, talking. Spencer's mom and Bryce's dad, who had made up after their fight, were laughing about something with Keisha's mom. Aria, Seth and Chloe's mothers were all gossiping about something on the couch. Spencer and Bryce sat on other sides of the room, Bryce trying to get Spencer's attention, while Spencer wanted nothing of it. It had been almost a week since the whole incedient and Bryce had done almost everything to make up for it, but she didn't even care. Next to her, her three best friends sat, talking and laughing.  Keisha stood at the front door. She seemed to be waiting for someone, but no one knew who.

The doorbell rang and Keisha quickly answered it.

"Is Chloe here?" a male voice said. Chloe shot up and Danny was standing in the doorway, guitar in hand.

"What are you doing here?" she asked, hugging him.

"I know it's a day early, but I have to give you your Christmas present." He started playing the guitar, one beautiful chord after another. "

“She’s sweet, she’e beautiful,  she makes the stars shine. She’s the one, she’s you, I will make her mine.” Danny sang to Chloe. Chloe grinned grinned shyly and shook her head, looking down. He continued on until the song ended. That's when Chloe noticed she was crying. Danny pulled her into a hug and said, "Don't cry."

"Danny," she said, through her tears, "you don't have to make her yours because she already is." A resounding "Aw" erupted from the living room and Chloe and Danny laughed.

"Aw, Chloe," her mother said, "he is definetly a keeper." Chloe smiled. "Come on in, Danny. Join the party." Chloe led Danny to the couch, where they sat next to her friends.

"Now, that is how you treat a girl," Spencer said, glaring at Bryce.

"Spence, how many times do I have to say I'm sorry?" he said in a pleading voice.

"Until you mean it." Spencer smirked.

"I didn't want to do this tonight, but I guess I have to." Bryce got up from the chair and walked by the Christmas tree, where a large bag of presents was sitting. He reached in it and found a small box wrapped. He quickly unwrapped it, revealing a small black box. Everyone gasped, but Spencer, who wouldn't even look at him.

"Spencer, I'm sorry," he said to her back. "I am the most sorry person, in the world right now. If I could take that whole night back, I would, if it made you look at me the way you used to. Like you needed me, like you loved me. And I know, I'm stupid and I'll always be stupid." He gave a small laugh. "But Spencer all I really know that I'll always be..." He paused, a tear streaming down his face, "I'll always be in love with you." Everyone looked at Spencer, waiting for her to turn around to look at Bryce, but her face was in her hands. "Spence," Bryce said, touching her shoulder.

"Don't touch me," she said. From what they could hear, it sounded like she was crying. She lifted her face and looked at Bryce. "Do you forgive me?" he said.

She nodded, slightly, getting up ad hugging Bryce. "I love you so much." He kissed her passionately and then got down on one knee. Spencer gasped. "Oh, my God, Bryce. What are you doing?"

"Making it all up to you," he said, opening the box, revealing an engagement ring. "Spencer, will you please, please marry me?"

"But, Bryce this is so random. Just yesterday we were barely speaking to each other."

"Spencer," Bryce said.

"Come on, Spence!" her mother said. Spencer was surprised her mother was even agreeing with this. "Someone once told me that love was random," She glanced at Bryce's dad, smiling, "so just say yes, for God's sake." Spencer looked from her mom, to Bryce, to her friends, who, except for Seth, nodding furiously, and then to Bryce again.

She sighed. "Of course I'll marry you!" She smiled and Bryce pulled her into a hug, lifting her up and spinning her around. "Of course, not until this baby is born and we're eighteen."

"I can deal with that," Bryce replied, smiling.

"Oh my God!" Keisha screamed from the front door. "D'Andre! What are you doin' here?"

Everyone turned and at the front door was a tall, black guy dressed in a heavy, black winter coat. He laughed. "I came to see my girl obviously."

"Wait, Keisha, who is this?" Keisha's mother said.

"Guys, this is D'Andre, the father of my baby." Keisha's mother gave her an assuring look that said she understood, while Aria, Seth, Chloe and Spencer all exchange glances. They had known Keisha's story and they knew that she didn't know who the father was.

"But I thought -" Bryce started.

"Oh, don't ruin this moment and just kiss me," Spencer said, kissing him.

And at this moment, everyone in that room was happy, sitting next to someone they cared about, lover or not. Spencer and Bryce, Chloe and Danny, Keisha and D'Andre and even though they wouldn't admit it, Bryce's dad and Spencer's mother. And then all friends sitting next to each other, smiling at each other, knowing things would be okay.

For now, at least.

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