Chapter Seven

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Mom! Dad!” Seth shouted, walking in their house. “I’m home!” She sat her keys down on the kitchen table and saw her mom leaning over the counter.

“Oh, hi, Seth. Ryan called. He said he’s coming over.”

“Okay, awesome,” Seth said in a tone of voice that did not sound happy. 

“Are you not excited to see him or something?” her mother asked.

“No. It’s just that we’ve been having some issues lately.” Seth shrugged. “You know that guy that’s tutoring me, Charlie?” Her mom nodded. “Well, he thinks I have a thing for him.”

“Well, you obviously do, honey.” 

Seth gave her mom a dirty look. “Why does everyone think that?”

“Because it’s true.” Seth’s mom winked and left the kitchen. “Have a good night with Ryan!” She stopped, turned around and winked. 

“Okay, Mom! C’mon now!” Seth shouted, but her mom just laughed, walking out of the room.

About ten minutes later, Ryan rang the doorbell and Seth let him in. His brown hair was styled messily to the side and you faintly she his toned torso underneath his American Eagle shirt. 

“How are you doing, darling?” Seth said, giving Ryan a peck on the lips.

“Fine,” he replied, flatly. “We need to talk.” 

“Oh God, that can’t be good.”

“Seth, this is getting out of hand.”

“What is? What are you talking about?”

“I saw you and Charlie!”

“Saw us what? Studying? Big deal!”

“No! I saw you making out with him, Seth?”

“Oh my God,” Seth said, quietly. Then the memory came flooding back. 

They had been studying, learning about valence electrons when Charlie said he needed a book. Charlie led Seth to the back of the library away from the librarian and other people. He kept looking around like he was hiding or something. When they got to the very back in a corner he turned around and stopped, making her almost run face first into his chest. Before Seth had the chance to back away and give him some personal space, he grabbed the back of her neck with his hand and leaned down and kissed Seth. As soon as his lips touched hers, Seth was gone. She couldn’t think, couldn’t breathe, she could barely even move. It felt electric, and so hot. She stood on her tiptoes and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling herself even closer to him. Seth felt him lift her up and spin her around so that her back was against the wall. His hands traveled down and rested on Seth’s hips, squeezing them tight. She felt his sleek tongue invade her mouth and she was surprised she didn’t pass out. They moved in perfect rhythm with each other. Like it was meant to be. 

“Yeah,” Ryan said, snapping Seth out of the memory. “How could you do that to me?”

“I...uh...” Seth stuttered. 

“Exactly, Seth. This is the last straw. We’re done.” 

“But Ryan -” Seth started, but he was already gone.

Seth ran upstairs, the tears streaming down her face, walked in her room and found a little box that originally held a necklace, but inside it wasn’t a necklace. It was the razor blade that she had hidden for years. 

And you can only guess what happens next. 


Seth and Charlie sat at Seth’s kitchen table. Seth, looked glumly at her chemistry book.

“Okay,” Charlie said. Seth looked up at his brown eyes, covered with glasses and his brown hair slightly spiked up. “I know you don’t like this, but you’re never this upset over anything. You’re Seth freaking Richardson. The princess of Queensfield.”

Seth laughed, “I’m not a princess without my prince.”

“Wait did Ryan break up with you?” Seth just nodded in response. “Oh, I’m so sorry, Seth.”

“It’s okay. I didn’t even like him that much anyways. I like someone else now.”

“Oh,” Charlie said, sounding uninterested. “That’s great.”

“Charlie, don’t sound so bland about it.”

“Well, I mean, how else am I suppose to react?”


Charlie gave her a weird look before she said, “I mean if he’s the prince to your princess, go ahead and do it. I’m happy if your happy.”

Seth smiled, scooting closer to Charlie. “Oh, he is the prince to my princess. You might know him rather well, too.” 

Charlie looked Seth in her green eyes and said, “And how do you know that?”

“Because,” Seth kissed Charlie shyly on the lips before she said, “my prince is you.”

Charlie looked at Seth, smiling, before he kissed her passionately. She kissed him back and for the first time in a long, long time, she didn’t feel so alone. 

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