Chapter 42

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* Anastasia's P.O.V *

Elijah and the rest of the Mikaelsons are out of town and I'm all alone in the house at the moment . Okay 3 weeks and 6 days until the wedding . I can do this .... I thought . I walked downstairs and grabbed some ice cream when I heard a knock on the door . Wierd . I walked over and answered the door . Nobody there . Alrighty then . I looked down and saw a beta fish with a card. I bent down and picked up the fish , readng the card :

Dear Anna ,

I promised I'd get you a fish . Congratulations on your wedding . Elijah  is a great guy ... I'm sorry I've been a jerk lately , I've just been hurt and the only way I can think of to get over you would be to leave for awhile . I'll see you soon. Stay safe .

Damon .

Oh . Damon . I never meant to hurt anyone . I felt awful . He'll find someone .... I know he will . He's a great guy . I thought , looking down at my new fish .

" I'm gonna call you Damon . " I said , tapping the glass and setting the fish down .

My phone rang .
" Talk to me . " I said , fileing a nail .

" Anna ! Tatia need you ... there are werewolves after her ! " Elena said .
" WHAT ?! " I screamed , jumping off of the couch .

" Hurry ! " Elena said and then she hung up .

I started bolting towards the woods and I got there 3 minitues later . New record . Tatiana was surrounded by werewolves . One lunged at her .

" NO  ! " I screamed, leaping in front of her , just as the werewolf collided and bit me .

I screamed in pain as I fell to the ground . Stefan , Tyler , Matt , Caroline and Tatia chased the wolves away . I crawled out of the way underneath a tree and looked down at my torso . It was ripped open , blood gushing from it . I felt the werewolf bite poisening my blood and I started convulsing .
" Anna ! " Tatia shrieked , falling to my side and taking me in her arms.

I coughed up some blood.
" It's a-alright . " I studdared .

" You're gonna be okay. " Tatia said , almost in hysterics .

Elena , Stefan and Caroline kneeled down beside me .

Elena and Caroline were tearful along with Tatia .

" Anna .. " Elena whispered .
I grabbed her hand and squeezed it .
" Stay beautiful, Elena ."  I said .

She nodded .
" Anastasia , this is all my fault . " Tatia said .
" Tatiana , it's okay .... it's alright ... maybe I'll see mamma . " I said .

Tatiana shook her head .

" Don't leave me again , Anna . " she said .

" I never did . " I whispered .

Tatiana smiled a crooked smile for a minitue .
" We'll get you some help . " Stefan said , rubbing my shoulder.
" You're all terrible liars . But it's alright ... I except my fate. " I said .
" No  . Don't give up . " Tatia said.

" I'm tiered of fighting , Tatiana  . I'm so tiered of always trying to make it through the trials of this life... " I muttered.

" Please , Anya , you've never given up. Don't start now. " Caroline begged .

I smiled .
" Tell Klaus to stay out of trouble . Take care of him , Tatia and Rebeka and Kol . And tell Elijah I love him more then there are stars in the universe . Tell him that he'll be okay . Lie . " I said .

" NO ! Anna ! Don't you leave me ! Not you too , first mom and dad, then Jenna , then Alaric ! Not you too ! " Elena said .
I rubbed her cheek gently .
" You'll be alright . " I said .
" Why did you do it ? " Tatia asked .

" Do what ? " I asked .

" Save me . Risk your life for me . " Tatia said .
" Because you are my sister and therefore one half of me . Always remember that . One half . I love you . All of you ... thank you . Tell Elijah to keep adimiring the roses . " I said and then I fell asleep .

* Tatiana's P.O.V *

My fault . It was my fault that I was holding the body of my younger sister in my arms .


Elijah ran up full speed and paused, gasping and staring at Anastasia .
" No . " he whispered .

I looked up at him with watery and red eyes .

" NIKLAUS ! REBEKA ! KOL ! " he yelled and dropped by her side .

We all got up as he gently lifted her onto his lap . 

" Anna ! No ! DAMN ! DAMNIT ! DON'T LEAVE ME ! IT'S NOT FAIR ! COME BACK ! ANNA ! MY ANGEL ! MY ANNA ! " he yelled, holding her close .

She looked so eerily still and limp . She was pale as if all her blood was gone .

Klaus , Rebeka and Kol arrieved a few sceconds later  .
" Anna . " Rebeka whispered and Kol pulled her into his arms .

" Klaus  ! The antidote ! " Elijah whimpered .

" Elijah , it won't work . She's already gone . " Klaus said , looking at my sister in horror .

" NO ! She'll wake up any moment ! Watch ! " he said , rocking her back in forth .

We waited . Nothing . She didn't move . She was dead .

-------- Yes , I'm planning on doing a few more chapters maybe to 50 or so , maybe to 45 and make sure you comment me and fan and vote . Also , check out my other stories like the Story of the Other Petrova Sister ( Katherine's Sister ) ------------------------------------------

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