Chapter 6

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Me: "Um-mm Adam, can you ugh...... can you come back? You kinda took the key's to the car."

     He mumbled the words under his breath then hung up the phone. I think I just ruined our friendship, but I was only telling the truth. I started to double think, I don't think I ever knew the real Adam. He's been keeping so much secrets from me that I don't think I should trust him. I love Adam, I really do its just...... things aren't the same like they were before. Just as I thought things were getting bad, it started to rain. And I mean HEAVILY.  This was just great. I had no umbrella and I was standing in the pouring rain. I turned around to see if I could run back inside the deli, but Oscar was already closing it up. Perfect, I thought. A couple of minutes later, Adam pulled up. I ran to the car and hopped inside.

Adam: " What are you doing. You don't need to come inside for keys. Plus, your'e getting my seat all wet."  He whined.

Me: " Dude, It's pouring cats and dogs out there. I just wanted to get out the rain."

Adam: " Well, here's and umbrella..." He reached in the back seat to grab an umbrella and handed it to me. " I 'll meet you back at the house."

Me: " Wow. You're just gonna kick me out like that?"

       He didn't answer. The mood he's in is driving me crazy and i'm getting pretty frustrated. Without saying anything, I got out the car. Once I was out, he drove away in speed, not even checking if I closed the door. Luckily I did. I walk back to the car with rain all over my face. Now that I think about it.... it's my tears. Tears from feeling like a shitty friend toward Adam and him treating me like a shitty friend. I put my key in the ignition  and drove away. I needed to clear my mind. I cranked up the radio and Impossible by James Arthur blasted through the car.

  " Tell them all I know, now. Shout it from the roof top. Write it on the sky line. All  we have is gone now. Tell them I was happy. And my heart is broken. All my scars are open. Tell them what I hoped would be IMPOSSIBLE....."

     I let the lyrics sink into my soul. The melody blasting through the car. All I wanted is to protect Adam. But he's to blind to see that I'm trying to help, not hurt him. If he dies because of this bet, I only know that I will meet him at the Gates of Heaven. If you think cutting my wrist is bad, I could do something way worse. I need Adam. But If I cut too deep, he woun't be able to save me.  I can't go another day at school without him. The pain his worse than a thousand shape knives piercing my body. When I see Adam with the beautiful, gorgeous girls at school, I just feel so pathetic and worthless. As if I'm an ugly monster roaming the halls. I agree with them. I can't see myself ever being in a relationship with a guy or even having a guy hit on me. It just won't happen

      I pull into the drive way of my house. Adams car is parked right in front of mine and I notice my mom and dad aren't home. He's sitting on the steps. His head is in his hands, meaning he's in deep thought. I get out the car and walk over to him. He either doesn't see me or he just doesn't care. I give a deep sigh and walk past him, unlocking the door and going inside. I leave the door open, hoping he would follow me but he didn't. I walk in the kitchen and found a note stuck on the fridge. It's from my dad. I notice his sloppy hand-writing. It read:

                               "Lavender, your mother and I are going to be on a business trip.

                               I know it's short notice, but we'll call you as soon as we

                               reach the airport. In case of any emergencies, I left the number

                               to  the hotel we're staying at on the back of the paper. No reckless

                                behavior or anything like that while we are gone. We're sorry we

                               had to go on another business trip, but we'll be back by the end of May.

                                                                                                                    Love, Dad & Mom"

     I shake my head. My parents are never around. Some kids thinks that's a blessing, but I think its depressing. As I finish reading the note, I hear the front door shut. I turn to see Adam walking upstairs with a frustrated face. Great! Now I know he totally hates me. Before I leave the kitchen, I give a quick call to my parent, letting them know everything is fine. I lied. I walk up to my room and finding Adam on my bed in the same positions he was in on the steps. I sit down next to him. The silence in the air was so loud, I couldn't take it. I decided to speak first. Here we go.....

 Me: " Adam, Listen. I sorry for......"

Adam: " No. Let me apologize. I know I've been acting like a dickhead lately and a fucked up friend. None of the shit that's going on is your fault. I need you to know that. Your Right, This is between me and Mike. You have noting to do with this. I need you........ I mean I need you to stay protected. I need you to stay away from Mike."

 Me: " Adam, I don't want you to get hurt. I.... I think I lo-love you."

      The room became silent. SHIT! I should've never said that. He looks at me with confused eyes. I turn away, to embarrassed to even look at him.

Adam: " You.... Love me?"

Me: " Yeah...... I guess. But I know you don't feel the same way. It was a stupid thing to say."

        He holds my now cherry red cheeks so I can face him. Tears start to swell up in my eyes. I breathe heavily. I want to stay in his hands forever.

Adam: " No. It wasn't.......... because  I love you too."

           I swear, for that very moment, The world stopped. Nothing in the world can interrupt this. I couldn't breath. Those words were more painful than cutting myself.

Me: " But I thought you liked Kendra. Your always hanging around with other girls that I just couldn't compare to."

Adam: " I would never go out with those other girls. And I fucking hate Kendra. They're fucking sluts and don't even know the real me. I want you 'cause you're the only one that knows the real me. You understand me... and I need you"

           I didn't know what to say. How can you reply to that? All this time I thought he didn't love me like I loved him, but he did. He said he needed me. Nothing can get get better than this moment. My breathe got hitched when Adam pulls my face closer to his. I feel his breathe warming my lips. Our lips only centimeters apart. I've been waiting for this moment. For someone to love me. I'm ready to give it all up.

Adam: " I love you..." He whispers across my lips.

           There's no more holding back. Our bodies are radiating heat off of each other. It's time. Adams lips press against mines passionately. His tongue is flicking across my lips, begging for entrance. Our tongues meet. Break the kiss to take off my shirt.

Me: " I love you too."

            I'm ready to go all the way. I've been ready.


I hope you guys like Chapter6. Things are starting to get hot between Adam and Lav, obviously. DON'T FORGET TO COMMENT AND LIKE PLEASE. AND SHARE THIS STORY WITH UR FRIENDS. LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!

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