Between You and Me

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I laid in bed at 12:45am talking on the phone with the only person I can really trust, Adam. He's like a brother to me but he's really my best friend.

Me: "Hey, Adam?'

Adam: "Yeah?"

Me: "Do you mind driving over here? I really need to tell you something.... in person."

Adam: "Sure. I'll be there in 30."

Me: "OK" I kept my voice in a whisper.

Adam: "Is everything alright?"

Me: "Yeah. I just really need to tell you something."

But it wasn't alright. I've been feeling a certain way, I've been doing things to myself, and I haven't told anybody. Adam is the only person I could talk to and can trust.We've been best friends since kindergarten and I'm surprised that our friendship lasted this long. I hope he doesn't turn his back on me now or isolated me like we never had a friendship. 30 minutes later, I got a text. It's from Adam.

Adam:"I'm outside"

That was my Que to leave. I got out of bed and grabbed my sweater and converses. I gently tiptoed out the house, so my parents wouldn't wake up. If my Dad wakes up, I'm so busted. But if my mom wakes up, I'll just get a speech of how I don't have to sneak out the house and hide stuff from her. Before I left the house, I made sure I turn the alarm on the house off. Last time I tried to sneak out with the alarm on, the whole house sounded like a police siren and I was grounded for 3 weeks. I headed right outside; closing the door slowly.

I saw Adam sitting on the hood of his black 1965 Mustang, stargazing. He was wearing a leather jacket with A graphic tee; as usual. All the girls at school literally throw themselves at him. I have to admit, he is pretty hot, but I don't crush on him. I walked up to the car and sat next to him. I looked at him but he didn't look back, so I just looked at the dark sky filled with little stars.

Me: "They're beautiful aren't they?"

Adam : "Yeah. They are."

He looked at me and gave me one of his heart sweeping smiles. I smiled back, but it was very weak and his instantly faded. I turned my face away and stared at the ground.

Me: "Adam, what emotional state would you put me in?"

Adam: "What do you mean?

Me: "What emotion would you say I'm always In?"

Adam: " Mostly calm. Why?"

I picked my head up and looked him with teary eyes. I did my best to hold the tears back; not trying to show all my emotions just yet.

Me: "Why would you consider my calm?"

Adam: "Well,your always calm around me and since your name is Lavender--"

Me: "Since my name is Lavender. Of course.

I mocked him. I'm so tired of people thinking I'm always calm because my name is Lavender. That doesn't mean anything. The blood drained from his face. I kinda felt bad for out bursting on him like that. I looked at his worried face and saw doubt in his eyes.

Adam: "Lav, what is this about?" He started to choke on his words.

I didn't answer. My stomach was doing back flips and guilt took over my eyes. Am I doing the right thing by telling him or is this something I should keep to myself? If I show him, will he become scared of me or never talk to me again. But if he is a true friend, he would stay with me through all my battles. My head was spinning with questions of doubt. It's time to be brave and test how strong our friendship really is.

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