13- connection

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have fun

lance has started sharing location with keith!

lance: get your ass over here.

keith: mk...


About 10 minutes pass before Lance notices a familiar mullet come into peripheral.

"I didn't think you'd show." Lance stood up. He was only a few inches taller than him, but Keith was intimidated by his confidence. No, it wasn't his usual cocky, 'scoring the ladies' confidence. It was like he knew what he was doing, a man on a mission.

"Why wouldn't I."

"I don't know. Just had a feeling."

Keith scoffed, clearly annoyed with his boyfriends stupid comments.

"Lance, I-"

"Save it, okay?" Keith was horrified of what was to come next. He was scared of the future. If he could go back in time and change all of those times where he lied and said he couldn't attend or talk because he was too scared of the changes that could have been made.  He was scared of the future. He was scared of losing the one he truly loved.

Keith just simply nodded and allowed him to speak. He sat on the small brick wall that Lance had already found his way to.

"You know, it would've been nice to have seen your face at least once in this past week." Keith almost spoke, but he gave up on words. "I actually never realized how legit clingy I am. Funny, huh? Humans have a tendency to grow attached to things so easily, only for them to slip away out of grasp for a time period. I kinda hate it." Lance stopped speaking for only a second.


"Nope, not done yet, give me a sec." He put up a finger, gesturing for Keith to shut up and let him talk. "Don't you just hate a feeling of sadness, anger, distress, annoyance, and disgust that bundles inside your stomach every time you hit a low. I do. But it happens. That's what matters. What matters is that you'll always have troubles and you'll feel like the whole world is ending. But it's not. I really hate that feeling."

"So do I." Keith replied.

They sat in silence for about 10 seconds before Keith spoke with a small voice. "I'm sorry."

"Don't overthink it, okay." Lance got off of the small wall and faced Keith, who looked more sad than ever. "I'm only saying this because over these maybe, 7 weeks of dating you I realized that I really, really love you. I can't live without you. I may not have been able to express it at the time, but I really, really do."

"I love you too."

And in that moment, the two gave into the stress and bottled emotions that were there for a while. They finally kissed each other. It was something inexplainable. They both awaited this connection for a while, after realizing that they are truly in love. It was perfect. Sure people stared, they gasped, they smiled, they judged, they did whatever they wanted to. Yet, nobody would have been able to deny the true chemistry that lied beneath the surface of the two. Even the people who were sickened by their ways, gave in and smiled at the pride and confidence being displayed.

For Keith and Lance, it was only them two. Just them, nobody else. The world wasn't upside down, it wasn't a bad place anymore. They were finally happy. Happier than ever, actually.

When the two finally let go of the special first grasp at true attachment.

They were never going to let this go.

and scene.

date fin: oct. 8, 2017; 1:30 AM.

(ofc there's gonna be an epilogue, I wouldn't do that to y'all (: )

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