Words of Wisdom - From Crona
"Trusting someone to not hurt you... how idiotic is that?"
- Crona, Soul Eater
Crona is absolutely right.
You'd be a complete idiot to believe that there is someone in the world that would never hurt you.
Close friends, best friends, cousins, parents, aunts, uncles, even complete strangers... No matter how close you are to a person, there will come a time where they intentionally or unintentionally break your heart or make you cry. I guess it's just human nature that we can't live without doing something wrong to another person.
From personal experience, I've had plenty of close friends that have pretty much stabbed me right in the chest. For one, I had a friend in the fourth grade, H, who's younger sister would always pester me. She'd even taken to hitting me, so one day, I talked to my friend, J, about it. And unknown to me, a girl was listening in on that conversation. That girl then ran to H and told her that I called her sister stupid, annoying, and a clear mess that should go die.
I never said such a thing.
H yelled at me and never spoke to me again.
And all that happened in elementary school. I soon forgot about the incident and soon enough, I found myself in the seventh grade where I met a boy named CP. He was weird, annoyingly smart, and bubbly. He was also my best friend and the person I trusted the most. The year flew by like a breeze and over that short amount of time I knew that I'd never find a friend as good as he was. And one day on the bus on the way home, we had a conversation. One about trust.
Something along the lines, he asked:
"You know, I trust you way more than my girlfriend."
(Girlfriend in seventh grade. Yeah.)
I gave him a look and said-
"Isn't that kind of... eh? I think you should trust her more than that. I mean, yeah, we're best friends, but maybe you should put more trust in her."
I didn't believe in getting into relationships in middle school. You were way too young and come on, what did you know? You're twelve. You couldn't have known anything about that kind of stuff.
Back on track, I don't even remember how it spun out of control. All I know was that we got into this huge fight and our tight-nit friendship ended as quick as the snap of the fingers. I might not remember what I said, but I remember being bluntly honest with what I thought. And with being bluntly honest, I had hurt him with the truth. I, the person who knew him the best, who understood him, who he put his absolute trust in, smacked him in the face with the one thing he never wanted to hear.
He trusted me to never hurt him, yet I did in the cruelest way possible.
After that, he avoided me at school and never once looked me in the eye.
I trusted him to never hurt me, yet he did in the cruelest way possible.
So you see, putting your utmost trust in someone is a naive thing to do. If it hasn't happened to you already, someone you know will undeniably hurt you some time in your life. And really, the only way to push through that is to let it sink in, accept it, and let it go.
But never forget it.
You need to keep in mind that with the good comes the bad.
The deeper you swim into that trust, the harder it is to come up when it's time to breathe.
Otaku Magazine ISSUE #2 March 2014
De TodoWelcome back to our second issue! Please enjoy!