Chapter 2: Fallen Down-Part 2

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Hello again my lovely readers! Anti here, so here's Part 2! Hope you enjoy!
~Echo's POV~
I rubbed my head, groaning. "Good thing we fell on this giant mushroom." Moon grumbled, helping me get off. Unfortunately, I slipped and I fell on the unknown ground. "Where are we?" I winced as I got up and helped Moon down. "I don't know." She mumbled. "I'm scared sis." She told me. "Don't worry, your strong big sister is right here." I replied, smiling at her as I leaned on her 10-year-old form. She nodded happily. "Right!" She exclaimed childishly. She helped me walk for a little while. "What if there are no people down here, what if we were left to die, what if- What the hell is that?!" She panicked, pointing at what I somehow knew was a slug. I don't know how, but I also knew it wasn't going to hurt us. Moon helped me to the ground and grabbed a branch. "Wait! Don't hurt it, it won't hurt you!" I exclaimed. It came over to me. It was orange and tilted its head curiously at me. I put my hand out and it hopped on. "See Moon? It won't hurt you." I told her. She put down the branch. "Sorry, I'm just so confused." She wept. "It's okay." I told her. "No it's not! Stop telling me it is! You nearly died out there, and if we don't find you help soon, you're going to die here!" She yelled. The little orange slug went off, and came back with a group of people. I looked up at them. I started to cough up blood. "People!" Moon exclaimed happily, wiping away her tears. "Please help my sister!" She begged. There was a girl with red pigtails and emerald green eyes that reminded me of Bailey.
Then there was large blue man, who I knew was a cave troll. I had on a helmet with one horn. Th an were was...a giant mole? 'He's a molemoid.' I realized. Then there was a boy my age with blackish blue hair and ocean blue eyes that I could just feel myself diving into, losing myself. I shook my head. 'Say Shadow Clan Company!' Ash, my shadow demon told me. I gave her a skeptic look. 'Why?' I mentally asked her. 'Just do it!' She yelled. I rolled my eyes and went, "Shadow Clan Company." Moon looked at me weird. "What?" She asked me. "I dunno, Ash told me to say it. She was very insistive." I explained to Moon. We looked back at them and the boy with blackish blue hair helped me up immediatly. "Lets get them to the hideout you guys." He told the others as he helped me up. The orange slug hopped on his shoulder. "Hello again little fella." I patted him softly on the head. "His name is Burby, and I'm Eli. Eli Shane." He told me. The name Shane rolled around in my head. 'Why do I feel like I've heard this before?' I asked myself. It kept nagging at the back of my brain as Eli helped me on his mecha. Moon went with the redhead. I clunge onto Eli as he drove off. I saw a building after awhile. My face was probably really pale due to blood loss. They rushed me inside and bandaged me up. I coughed again and more blood spilled out. "We might need the Shadow Clan for this.", mumbled the girl. 'Who is the Shadow Clan anyways? Why is this all familiar to me?' I tried to rack my brain for answers, but came up with none. I growled in frustration and pain. We were all sitting in a living room. "Okay, so I'm Echo Wood, and this is my sister Moon Wood. We fell down a tube thing and now we are here. Now, your turn." I said, not liking the quiet that had quickly formed over the group. "I'm Eli Shane, She's Trixie Sting, He's Kord Zane, and finally-" The mole interrupted him. "I am Pronto the magnificent!" He exclaimed proudly. I giggled at his actions, then said,  "So where exactly is here?" I asked curiously. I noticed Moon was really quiet this entire time. Usually she's very friendly, but she just is probably shocked. It's not everyday you nearly lose an older sibling. "This is Slugterra, the ground beneath our feet!" Eli proclaimed.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Word Count:775~
Got done with Part 2, and in the same day! I don't really have anything better to do, so I'm probably going to update a lot during the next few days.
Anti out!

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