Chapter 5: Dinner Disaster

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I thought this fun little song would work perfectly for this chapter. It so describes my friends and I. Comment if you relate. Anyways, onto the story!
~Echo's POV~
I ran to the table excitedly. I sat down inbetween Eli and Moon. Kord and Trixie soon sat down with us. "Who cooked?" I asked. "Pronto." Moon groaned. "I could smell the disaster a mile away!" She exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air to empathize her point. I chuckled at her behavior. Pronto came in with a covered silver platter. He lifted the lid to reveal...a bug?! I internally gagged. After he sat it down and got his fill, I took a leg and took a small bite while everyone watched for my reaction. I swallowed, immediatly gagged, and started to cough. I luckily had nothing in my stomach to throw up, but my body tried anyways. The taste was indescribable. Moon picked up a piece and looked at it from every angle. "Spare your taste buds." I told her, my body still trying to get it out of my system. "It's worse than acid." I grumbled softly. "I don't see what you have a problem with this! It's an amazing dish!" Pronto exclaimed, biting into it. My body decided that if vomit wouldn't come up, it'd be blood. I coughed it up on the carpet behind me. "This so does not agree with me." I held my stomach. Eli patted my back. Moon saw my reaction and dropped her piece like hot lava. Wiping her hands on her pants, she helped me up and to the bathroom. She shut the door and begged, "You have to let yourself use magic, just for an apple or banana!" "No, you can get something from the kitchen." I told her, grabbing a towel after my body threw up the bug. I went back to the living room and cleaned up my blood. I rubbed my face out of exhaustion and went to the kitchen with Moon. I found a fruit basket. "Here Moon." I gave her an apple. I took a banana myself and took a bite. We finished quickly and left the kicten. I looked over at Pronto and nearly barfed again. "Guys, tomorrow Moon and I are cooking." I told them. Trixie, Kord, Eli, and Moon all quickly nodded in agreement. "But my cooking is perfectly fine! After all it's done by the magnificent Pronto! Besides you are hurt, you should not be up and about." Pronto protested. "No offence, but I'll die of your cooking before I die of any wound imaginable." I grumbled truthfully. I went up the stairs and into my room. I looked down at my clothes. They were tattered and worn. The gray hoodie was barley holding together and my jeans were ripped up, not to mention I was in desperate need of a shower. I went back downstairs and tapped on Trixie's shoulder. She was surfing the web on a computer when she looked at me. "Hey Trix, can I borrow some clothes and some shower stuff till I get my own?" I asked sheepishly. She smiled at me. "Sure, Let's go." I followed her to her room. She pulled out her biggest pair of clothes just as my chest bandages snapped. She looked at my busts suprisingly. "Dang, I didn't know that were that big." She teased. I rolled my eyes. "I got tired of men staring so I bandaged them to make them look smaller." I explained as she went to get me shampoo. We handed it to me and cracked a smile. "You're gonna need more bandages, aren't you?" She asked me. I nodded thankfully. She laughed and left the room. A minute later, she came back with a roll of bandages. "You know where the bathroom is Double D." She teased again. I rolled my eyes. "Har, har." I responded. I got in the bathroom and locked the door. I stripped out of my clothes and turned on the water. After getting it to my desired temperature, I hopped in. I hissed as the water hit my gashes. I was covered with gashes and scars all over my body, though I only had the one gash on my face, the one Bailey caused. I quickly washed up, ignoring the pain. I let the warm water run over my body after awhile and I started to think about other things. 'Man, we were really lucky to end up in Slugterra, and to have the Shane gang take us in. They're all so nice, especially Eli. Damn he's so ho- Wait what?! You just met him earlier today!' I mentally scolded myself. I heard Ash laugh, but she said nothing. I sighed and turned off the water. I reapplied all my bandages and made sure the chest ones were tight. I put on the clothes Trixie gave me. I didn't mind the pants, but the shirt was a little short. I sighed, slipped on my shoes after drying my hair slightly and leaving the bathroom. I tossed my clothes on my bed, and went outside.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Word Count:889~
Finally done with Chapter 5! 5 chapters in one day, I'm on a roll! I hope you all enjoyed and I'll see you in the next chapter my lovely readers!
Anti out!

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