Chapter 6: Newfound Slugs

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Hey, Anti here, just a quick thing, words like 'Sample' is telekinesis. Okay, onto the story.
~Echo's POV~
I took a deep breath of the chilled air as the light faded. I looked over at the mushrooms, which were glowing now. I watched the wild slugs run around happily as I walked to nowhere in particular. I eventually found a clearing and laid down. Putting my hands behind my head, I stared at the ceiling. I sighed in content. I heard rustling next to me. I looked over to see a Fandango. "Hello there little buddy." I greeted, petting it softly on the head. It chirped happily. "Would you like to stay with me?" I asked it curiously. It nodded it's head. "Okay...Chikara!" I exclaimed as it jumped in my hand. She nodded excitedly. She jumped on my shoulder and I got up. 'Moon would want some slugs.' I started to sing so I could activate my powers.
-Begining of Please Don't Go-
I mentally reached out and connected my mind with Moon. This was relatively easy since she wasn't too far and it's just easier to connect to a family member. 'Hey Moon, come here.' I told her. 'Wh_Y?' She asked in respond. I chuckled at the distortion of her words. Teleportation might require a ton of concentration, but this is a completely different aspect that she didn't like to mess with because it gives her a headache. That made her words distorted and difficult to hear. 'Well, I mean if you don't want to get some slugs, I'll just keep them for myself.' I teased. I could imagine her falling off her bed and running out the door. 'WherrrrE A_re Y0000u?' 'Follow the singing.' I replied. She tackled me down a second later. I cut off connection, and rolled my eyes.
-End of Please Don't Go-
"Jeez Moon, what an entrance." I stated sarcastically. She laughed and looked around. I had apparently lured a good bunch of slugs too. Moon got off me and bounded towards them. "Moon, not so fast you'll-" Before I finished my warning, she had scared most of them off. "Oops." She muttered. One of the few slugs that stayed came up to me. It was a Hop rock. "Hello there, would you like to join me?" I asked him, kneeling down and putting my hand out. He jumped on my hand and nodded. "Okay... Hopper! Let's go!" I exclaimed, jumping up, and putting Hopper on my other shoulder. Moon saw my example and sat in the soft grass. Another one of the few slugs there came up to her curiously. "That's a Rammstone." I told her. She nodded, acknowledging me, but not taking her gaze off the slug. She didn't even question how I knew, which I was thankful for. The slug slowly went onto her hand. "Hello, would you like to come with me?" She asked softly, not even daring to take a breath. I rolled my eyes. He nodded and Moon did a quiet yes, pumping her fist in the air. "Okay... Rammer!" She exclaimed, and the other jumped in her lap. The Hop Rock was apparently jealous of her new found slug. "Echo, this is a Hop Rock, right?" She asked me. "Yeah, she is." I answered. "Okay Rocky, welcome arsenal!" Moon proclaimed, jumping in the air with them on her shoulders. We did this for awhile, going around trying to find slugs. After finding a few more, we went to the hideout. "Okay, so I got Floppy the Flopper, Energy the Fandango, Rammer the Rammstone, and Moxie the Fandango." She listed off as we walked to the hideout. It was late at night and the others were probably worried. "Yep, and I have Chikara the Fandango, Hopper the Hop Rock, and Power the Fandango." We smiled at our newfound slugs in unison. Of course, my slugs were in the barrels (I think that's what they are called)as it had come with the clothes Trixie let me borrow. Poor Moon, her slugs were all pushed up on her shoulders and she walked slow for fear they'd fall off. Then again, if Burby can stay on Eli's shoulder at 100 miles an hours, I'm sure hers could stay on if she ran. We walked in the hideout and I saw Eli with a worried expression. He was halfway through the door and facing the opposite way. "They've been gone for a long time, what if Dr. Black got them?! I'm going to go get them just in case." Eli told Trixie, Kord, and Pronto. He turned and saw us. Moon was behind me, doing her fangirl face. Eli immediatly looked relaxed. "Where were you guys?Oh, you got some new slugs?" He asked. "Yep! This ones Floppy, then there's Energy, oh, that one's Moxie. Oh, and we can't forget Rammer!" Moon had gone in front of me, and introduced them, pointing at them as she said their name. I laughed softly at her excitement. Eli smiled knowingly. "Do you have some too Echo?" He questioned. "Yeah, I have Chikara, Hopper, and Power." I told him lazily, putting my chin and hands on Moon's head. She didn't mind. He nodded, his perfect smile growing larger-which caused me to blush slightly. "I've come to a conclusion!" He declared.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Word Count:942~
Done with Part 6! I'm so sorry I haven't updated in the last week, school hit me like a truck. I tried to make it up to you by making the chapter longer, and I'm sorry to leave you at a cliffhanger...sort of.
Until next time,
Anti out!

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