Chapter 4: Mecha Building

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~Echo's POV~
We just finished the tour, and Trixie apparently had a realization because she jumped up. "We need to get you guys some mechas!" She exclaimed, dragging us to the garage Kord worked in. He waved at us as Trixie pushed us in. I nearly collapsed on the ground, but I luckily caught myself. "They need mechas!" She told Kord. He scratched the back of his head. "If you want me to build them mechas, that takes a good while, not to mention a ton of dedication. Go talk to Eli about it." He told us. I walked over and looked at Eli's mecha. "Nothing too difficult." I mumbled to myself. I pulled out goggles from my pocket, that I always kept with me just in case. "I could do it. It's not like I have anything better to do, what with my wounds and all." I offered, more strange info filling my head. I already loved building things, and with this information in my head, I knew how to build a mecha...with some additions. "Yeah, I just need," and I started to list off the things I needed, going around and picking the items up. By the end, I had picked up everything, and had it in a pile next to me. "Wait, some of those things aren't needed to make a mecha."Kord pointed out. "Yeah, but I had an idea on a quite interesting upgrade." I giggled. "What is it?" Moon asked me curiously. I put my finger to my lips. "Shhhh, it's a secret~." I giggled. "Is it okay if I do this?" I asked Kord. "Uh yeah, I'm just confused on how you know how to build a mecha. I don't exactly know myself, just how to add stuff." He admitted. "I don't really know how I know either, I just do. I've been having this really annoying thing as of late where I know something, but when I try to remember how I know it I get a headache." I told him truthfully. Moon's silver eyes shined. "What if you remember a past life or something?" She offered excitedly. I laughed. "I highly doubt it, but who knows? I certainly don't." I replied, picking up the first pieces and getting started to work with my goggles over my eyes and my black hair with blue tips up in a high ponytail. I sat on the floor as I did. "Well, we're gonna leave you to it, nerd." Moon teased. I rolled my eyes though she couldn't see. They left and Kord and I worked in silence.
A couple minutes later, Kord asked, "So when did you start building things?" He asked. I thought about it. "I was around 6. Orebus(A/N: Wow, I tried to write his name and it corrected to pranks, and the ironic thing is, he is loved to pull pranks.) taught me how. At first it was little things, like clocks and such, but then I built a tiny robot with a fun-loving personality. I was about 7 then, and I brought it to school. I got bullied for my robot and being its builder. They tore it apart right in front of me. I remember coming home so sad with my broken robot. My brother tried to comfort me, but I still never brought anything I made to school. I kept it a secret and pretended I dropped it. I guess it's why people are so suprised that I can build things, it's because I'm so good at acting like that it is something I wouldn't normally do. " I told him as I kept building. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him nod. "What about you?" I asked him. "Well, I'm a cave troll, so once I was strong enough to pick up a tool that taught me all about building things like this. I later found out slinging slugs was so much more fun than slinging rocks." He told me. I nodded, still focusing on my work. "What was your best creation?" I questioned. "Has to be my mecha here." He answered. I nodded again. "Mine had to be that robot. I never really tried anything too big after it. Though once I'm done with this, it will be my best creation." I stated. He nodded. "Hey, this is really been nagging at me. Why are your eyes gold and Moon's silver?" He asked. I shrugged as I worked. "We never really figured that out. I mean, my father's eyes were a chocolate brown and Moon gets her silver eyes from my mom. Orebus's was the same as my father's so my gold eyes were a mystery. We never figured it out." I told him truthfully. We stayed in a comfortable silence after that, working on our own separate things.
*1 hour later*
Trixie came in. "Hey, dinner time!" She called. I jumped up, and went out the door excitedly. I was really hungry, but I didn't know the disaster waiting for me.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Word Count:859~
Okay, so this one was a bit longer than normal, but hey, the more the better right?
Anti out!

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