Chapter 7: New Members/Dreamscape.

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~Echo's POV~
"Well, what is it?" Asked Trixie curiously. Eli just smiled, and my blush grew ever so slightly. Moon must've noticed because she elbowed me in the gut and wiggled her eyebrows. I rolled my eyes and we all went in and sat at the couch. Eli clasped his hands together and declared, "Echo and Moon are going to be apart of the Shane gang!" We all looked at him shocked. "Well, I mean, if they want to. They have a good connection with slugs already, and it seemed to me like they don't really want to go back to the surface." Eli pointed out. I shrugged. "It's true, neither of us want to go back to the surface, but I didn't really think you'd let us stay." I deadpanned. My mind went over to Bailey. 'Maybe she'll find herself down here.' I hoped, though I knew that was highly unlikely. My father had probably used her as a replacement for me and is trying to figure out where I went with Moon. I shrugged it off. "Yay, we get to be apart of the Shane gang!" Moon exclaimed happily. Chuckling at her excitement, I stood up. "Anyways, we should all go to bed, who knows how late it is." I stretched. I was thankful everyone nodded in agreement. We all entered our respectable rooms. After a mintue, Trixie came in with some clothes in hand. "Thought you might want some more comfortable clothes to sleep in,  Double D." She told me, putting it at the foot of the bed. I picked them up and slipped them on, handing her the other clothes I borrowed. "Is that seriously my nickname now Trix?" I asked, rolling my eyes. "Yep, wonder how long before the guys start asking questions." She teased. I laughed. "Me too, good night." I flopped on the comfortable bed. "Night Double D." "Night Trix" She left the room. Though I was reluctant, I slipped into sleep.
~Echo's Dreamscape~
I landing on the inky black floor. Everywhere for miles is nothing but blackness, with an exception of a white door somewhere around here that let's me wake up. 'Welcome back Echo' Ash sneered. Her voice echoed around my dreamscape. Oh Ash, shadow demons are created because they done terrible things in their lifetime, but they manage to escape hell. In order to live, they must attach themselves to a human. In turn, they become stronger and eventually take over their human. When this happens, the human either goes insane in their own mind, or they become strong enough to fight off the demon. Then again, there are some that don't want to be demons, and were forced to do bad things, so to attone, they help their human, like Jack and helping Moon as best he can. 'Shall we take a trip down memory lane, or shall we fight?' Ash cackled. "I'm not in the mood to fight. I'll go down memory lane tonight." I told her softly. I could see her red eyes piercing the blackness. That and an evil grin with razor sharp teeth that sent chilled down my back. 'Very well' The blackness swirled to the arena, expect I was in the sidelines, where Moon would be if I were fighting. "Makes sense, today is his birthday." I reasoned with myself. I took out my weapon and started to crack the force field. The security didn't like that very much, and started to come towards me. When I took off one of their men's arms, they backed off. I could see Orebus standing in front of his best friend. He didn't have one of his arms and he gave his friend a closed eyed smile. I lost myself as I broke the force field. It was like it was really happening again. His friend's face was emotionless as he raised his weapon and sliced him down the chest, causing to make him fall to the ground. I ran to his side, pure horror, hate, grief, and sadness etched on my face. "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you Echo. Me and Mom always loved and cared for you. Heh, and we don't even come from here. Love ya sis." And with that, his chocolate brown eyes became devoid of life. "No! You promised you wouldn't die on me! What do you mean, 'not from here'!?" I screamed at his lifeless body, shaking him and crying. I stood up after a mintue of crying. Clutching my weapons I turned to him slowly, my head down. "Dirty brother killer!" I shouted, charging at him. I started humming softly before breaking into all out song.
-Beginning of Cirus for a Pchyo-
I sliced him side as I ran past him. The surprise and guilt spread on his face. As if he just registered what he had just done. I couldn't stop myself though. I turned around and stabbed him in the back. He fell to the ground, clutching his wound. Apparently he wasn't very strong. I stabbed him over and over and over. I did until the song ended.
-End of Cirus for a Pchyo-
I glared up at the audience. "Looks like the singer has been replaced! Give her a hand!" The commenter exclaimed, and the audience applauded me as I crumbled to the ground crying. They applauded my first kill.
~Word Count:922~
I'm super sorry I haven't been updating. Writer's block sucks along with everything else like holidays. I try to do better.
Until next time,
Anti out!

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