Chapter 3: Settling in

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~Echo's POV~
'Slugterra huh?' I thought, the name sounding familiar. 'Have I heard of rumors of this place? Was it in a story I heard? Why is it so familiar!?' I mentally screamed at myself, rubbing my temple. A headache formed as I tried to reach memories I was sure didn't exist. "Interesting." I mumbled, feeling confused and angry. "We are all called the Shane gang, and we are the protectors of Slugterra." Kord added on. "So, I'm guessing we aren't going home anytime soon." Moon smiled softly as she pointed this out. "Not with her wounds." Trixie replied. "There is a couple extra rooms you guys can stay in." Trixie told us. I heard her breath something under her breath. "At least I won't be the only girl." I cracked a smile and stood up, surprisingly not falling down. "Well then, I guess I should go rest. More sleep I get, the quicker I'll heal." I pointed out. "Yeah, right. Where are the rooms at?" Moon asked quietly. Trixie lead us to the extra rooms. "If you need anything, just tell me." Trixie told me as I collapsed in the soft blankets. "I'm good, good night." I immediately fell asleep, out of exhaustion and pain.
~Moon's POV~
I went to my room and sat on the bed. "Thanks Trixie." I thanked, and she went out of the room. "Need anything I'll be in the kitchen!" She called. "I will!" I replied. I shut the door and collapsed on the bed. My shadow demon, Jack, took solid form of my shadow and lay next to me. "Are you alright?" He asked. "No, I nearly lost Echo, and on Orebus's birthday no less. I nearly lost her the exactly same way too as him too. I know Bailey is the only one who defended her at school though. I understood neither wanted to fight. I'm so glad I can teleport or Echo would be...dead." I sighed heavily. 'Echo probably wants to keep our powers a secret.' I thought annoyed. I still sang anyways.
-Begining Gone too soon-
The walls were far from sound-proof, and I noticed the Shane gang next to the door. I looked over at Jack, but he already dissappeared. I looked out the window, which was next to the bed. I didn't care that they heard, I'm used to an audience.
-End of Gone too soon-
I realized I was crying. Trixie came over and hugged me. "T-today would've been his birthday." I cried. I saw Echo at the door, looking at me sympathetically. She weaved her way through everyone and sat next to me. "I know you miss him, but hey, I bet he's happy we kept living." She told me reasonably. "I know, but I still miss him. Heh, I barely even knew him." I giggled. "When one loses a family member, it's like a bond is shattered. No matter who they are and what they've done it will still hurt. The younger you are, the more you are affected." She told me. "Really?" I asked her curiously, wiping away my tears and sniffling. "Yeah, because you don't know what's going on, but you know deep down something is wrong." She told me. Everyone else had fully entered the room and was on my bed, listening to Echo. "Oh, for everyone in case you're confused, Orebus was our older brother,  but he died at age 16. Today would've been his birthday." She told everyone. They all nodded understandingly. "It's okay, I've lost my dad." Eli told us to show he understood our pain. "How old were you?" I asked. "10." He replied. I laughed a little. "That's how old Echo was when we lost him." I said, finding it ironic. "Anyways, since we are going to be here a while. How about a tour?" I asked, my happy friendly self returning. "Sure, I'll lead it so we all can have some girl time." Trixie told us. Echo smiled. It would be nice to know the surroundings.
~Word Count:732~
Done with part three! Just so you guys know, in the next chapter, Trixie would have finished showing them around. Echo is a mechanic, but she never really shows this until next chapter. Moon is also a fashion designer, but she feels her designs are bad, so not very many know. Okay, I'm done.
Anti out!

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