The Three Musketeers

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Jack wasn't shocked, no.

He was used to the darkness.

It only meant one thing.

Pitch had come for him.

Hiccup burst into a fit of giggles while Rapunzel facepalmed and Merida rolled her eyes. Jack gave them a strange look.

What was so funny about Pitch coming to attack them?

Hiccup walked over to the window and put his hand on his hip like a scolding mother. Then, with a high-pitched voice, "Toothless... you've been told not to do that to us, silly boy."

Rapunzel burst out laughing as Jack looked lost.

Jack looked at her. "What?"

She put a finger up to silence him while she caught her breath. Inhaling sharply, she said, "Toothless is a Night Fury. A rare dragon, also Hiccup's pet."

He raised an eyebrow as he glanced over at the boy conversing with the dragon outside.

"We're allowed one pet to cross over with us," she explained further. A small green chameleon revealed himself from under Rapunzel's golden hair. She held her hand out and he hopped into it, looking at Jack suspiciously. "This is Pascal, my pet." Jack nodded in a silent response.

"Plus, we get our own dragon to ride as well," Merida added, pulling a chair over and sitting in it. "Mine's a Typhoomerang, he's red and likes to burn things. I named him Fergie, in honour of me dad."

Jack listened with interest, just like when he was first being shown around North's toy shop.

Rapunzel nodded. "They live near Hiccup's end of this place. Buttercup, which is my dragon; lives there along with Fergie and Toothless. I believe we can go do that now, actually; find a dragon for you, Jack."

He pointed to himself, looking at her. "Me? Own a dragon? Um, don't they breathe fire? Fire and ice don't exactly mix, sister."

Merida chuckled, rolling her head along with her eyes. "Not all dragons breathe fire, laddie. Some spit water or a sonic blast or somethin' else like that. Ask Hiccup, he's the dragon expert."

As if on cue, Hiccup walked over to the trio; a serious look on his face. "Trouble's brewing," he spoke solemnly, staring at all of them at once. "They've infiltrated the Northern Lands. Something's gone terribly wrong in the mortal world."

Jack's eyes widened as he suddenly stood up, almost falling back down as the dizziness from his previous condition settled back in. "It is Pitch," he whispered angrily.

Hiccup looked at Jack with a slight smirk nearly hidden in his serious face. "Looks like this will be your first mission, Frost."

"First mission?" he asked, cocking an eyebrow.

He nodded. "As a Protector."

"Well, that's a generic name..." he muttered under his breath sarcastically.

Merida rolled her eyes, having heard him. "We actually call ourselves the Three Musketeers, but I got a feelin' that doesn't apply anymore."

Rapunzel shook her head. "He makes four."

Jack watched the two girls curiously. "Who makes four?"

Merida facepalmed. "Ye do, dummy."

Jack frowned at her. "Not like I knew what you girls were talking about."

The Big Four: Return of the Dark AgesWhere stories live. Discover now