❥ Chapter 1.

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Hi! this is my second book that i've officially published on here so i really hope you enjoy it!

My first day of college, I'm petrified but I'll be okay once I get there, it's the whole getting there part that I struggle with.

It's only an induction day today just to get to know everyone whose on my course, a bonding session apparently.

I brush my long dark hair out, it's grown so long since I went to have my hair cut, I've never dyed it before I just like my natural  colour never been very adventurous with changing the colour. It rests just above the middle of my stomach.

I'm wearing a Harry Potter tee, everyone's going to hate me for it but who doesn't love Harry Potter? I match it with some denim jeans and my superstar trainers. Outfit finished, hair finished, makeup finished, think I'm done.

"Are you ready to go sweetie?" My moms gentle voice coos upstairs.

"Yeah" lie, I don't wanna do this, can't I just die instead?

Yes, kill yourself.

I make myself jump at my sudden thought, it's nothing new, I'm used to it, it's almost like a voice in my head but not an unknown voice, my voice, my thoughts, sometimes I have control over them popping into my head, sometimes I don't.

"C'mon then, let's go" I grab my bag after I hear moms words and walk downstairs.

"Are you sure you're gonna be okay? Do you want me to come in with you?" Mom gives me a concerned look.

As much as I actually want mom to come in with me to hold my hand and tell me everything's gonna be okay I can't, I have to do this by myself now.

"No mom, I'll be okay" I smile to reassure her. College was gonna be different to high school, I'll be okay.

I'll be okay.

I'll be okay.

You won't be okay.

I shake my head and look out the window, we're almost there, we pass by houses and shops. I live in a small town but my college isn't in my town I decided upon a different college, I wanted to meet new people everyone in my town went to my primary school/high school.

"Have a good day sweetheart" My mom gently squeezes my thigh as I let out a shaky breath.

"Thank you, see you later, love you" I kiss her cheek before getting out the car, putting my bag pack over my shoulder, taking a deep breath and walk in.

The refectory is filled with students, there's loads of tables with a maximum of four chairs and a massive kitchen but it was shut. I take a seat and look round for people I know.

I've been for a few taster days, deciding if I actually want to do the course. I'm doing an art course, I have a passion for art, it expresses what's going on in my head.

"Students for the art course?" Kate, the art teacher who I'd already met speaks above the crowd, I stand up and walk over to her.

"Hi Darcy! Glad to see you on this course" She smiles as she rubs my back. A few other students crowd around Kate, everyone looks pretty nervous.

I wasn't nervous I was ready to meet new people it's just new for me, today is a bit nerve wracking but now I'm here I feel fine.

"Okay, everyone seems to be here, we're in room B43, follow me" Kate starts walking as we all shuffle along after her.

The rooms biggish and everyone finds a seat, I sit on a table with two sheepish looking boys and four girls.

"Hi everyone, If you haven't already met me, which most of you have, I'm Kate and I'll be your tutor for the course" She introduces herself looking around the room, "We're going to all introduce ourselves first" She grins looking at a boy on the table nearest for him to start.

"Hi I'm Nathan & I'm 17" He nods shrugging it off.

The next boy goes, "I'm Tom and my moms forcing my to come to college" He says lazily making a few people laugh.

"I'm Kirsty and I love to paint" She chirps smiling at Kate.

Everyone introduces themselves, my table is next up and I learn the names of all the people on my table, Henry, Michael, Jasmin, Amelia, Sam and Ellie.

Ellie the girl who sat next to me introduces herself and then it's my turn, "Hi I'm Darcy,"

And you're a massive disappointment.

I shake my head, "And I've a passion and love for Art and creating things" I smile as everyone's eyes were on me.

Just keep smiling, I can do this. I smile to myself with a deep breath.

"Oh here he is" Kate laughs lightly with a roll of the eyes as a boy walks in, I have to hold back my gasp as I look up, he's so gorgeous, "Everyone, this is Issac Flynn & he'll be joining the class this year" Kate introduces him, he stands with a slight smirk on his face.

He walks down the isle of the classroom somehow still having everyone's stare when Kate is talking.

"Issac just sit next to Darcy on that table over there" Kate waves off towards my table and I want to faint in my chair. Why me? I can barely look at him without drooling, what if he speaks to me?

"Are you Darcy?" I hear him mumbles as he approaches my table looking down at me with intense blue eyes.

"Y-yes, that's me- I'm D-Darcy" I muddle my sentence - he gives me an odd glance before showing a little smile plonking down next to me.

How I wish the ground would just open and swallow me up right now.

hi, again! i hope you enjoyed the first chapter. I just wanted to let everyone know that i am dyslexic so if some words aren't spelt right or something like that, feel free to correct me as i want my book to be at its best. I do go back to chapters so read them through so that i can catch the mistakes and change them (:

Thank you sooooo much for reading! definitely let me know what you think?

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