❥ Chapter 2.

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"Okay everyone you've done great, go take a 15 minute break" Kate smiles as we all rise from our seats.

"C'mon" Ellie winks over at me, I've made friends with Ellie so far, she's nice and bubbly and helped me with the partner work, I was so thankful she partnered up with me so I didn't have to go with Issac.

We walk out the class and sit at a table in the refectory. Yasmin and Amelia are already there.

Yasmin has got out her lunch which makes me laugh, for such a little bag she has so much food in there.

"Today is so boring, I'm dying to just get in there and start some art" Amelia says as she balls her hands into fists with excitement.

"I can't believe we've Issac on our course" Yasmin says with a mouth full. At the mention of his name he walks out the room and over to what I presume are his friends.

"I know, I'm very happy" Ellie giggles. "Issac has been here for 2 years now, this is my second year" Ellie nods towards me.

"And she has a massive crush on him" Amelia takes one of Yasmine grapes making Ellie look embarrassed.

"I've known Issac nearly all my life, I went to primary school and high school with him" Ellie shrugs, "I've had a little crush on him for as long as I can remember but getting him to notice me at college is quite hard, he did ask me if I was going to Nathan's party though!" She grins.

I can't think the guy my friend has a massive crush on is gorgeous, it feels wrong of me.

He is gorgeous though.

"Nathan's party?" I frown my eyebrows, I haven't heard anything about it.

"Oh yeah! Nathan's having a start of the year party this weekend, he must not of invited you but you can come with us" Yasmin smiles as she taps my thigh.

Of course he didn't invite you, who would invite you to there party, who would want you there?

I shake my head and force a smile, "Thank you"

We get called back into the room when the break was over and Issac was back in the chair next to me, I wish he'd gone to sit with his mates.

"Partner up with the person next to you and talk about the work sheet that's in front of you" Kate sets us a task, I don't notice that everyone else on the table is partnered up, leaving me with Issac.

"If you could draw anything that the whole world would see what would you draw?" Issac looks over at me.

"W-what?" I blink at him, was he talking to me?

I bet he hates being partnered up with you, you let everyone down.

I shake my head.

"Why do you always shake your head?" He looks amused, his elbow is stretched out on the table with his head resting in his palm looking at me.

"What d-do you mean?" I tilt my head, I don't shake my head?

"I've been sitting here all morning with you and you keep shaking your head after periods of time" His voice sounds so good I almost forget to listen to what he's saying.

"No I don't, I don't s-shake my head" I look at him confused, I really had no idea what he's talking about.

"You don't realise you're doing it" He almost mumbles to himself like he knows something I don't, "Anyways the question, what's your answer?" He cocks an eyebrows as he re-reads the sheet of paper.

I quickly scan my eyes over the sheet of paper because I wasn't listening when he was speaking words from his beautiful mouth, "H-happiness, I'd draw happiness" I nod, slightly embarrassed at what he'd think of my answer.

"Interesting" He mumbles as if he's speaking his thoughts with an amused face, "Why?"

"Because self happiness is so hard to find, people think they've found it with money, nice things, nice cars, houses ect but that's not it, happiness is the one thing in life that you really need, being happy means being self confident, not caring what people think about you because you live your life for you, not them, being yourself in every situation and not fearing trying something different, I want that, people may think finding love is happiness which, yes it can be but are you happy without that person? Do you reply on that one person to keep you happy, you have to discover happiness by yourself, no one can do it for you" I get lost in my own words, I look over at Issac to see him taken back by my words, so am I, "What about you?" I change the subject quickly.

Before he could answer Kate claps her hands grabbing everyone attention, "Okay everyone, now that you've spoken about the worksheet you have to work together to make a piece of art together it can be whatever you like" She smiles as she hands everyone a piece of paper.

Issac folds it down the middle, "This is my side, your side" He nods and flattens the piece of paper down in front of us on the table before passing me a few pencils.

I start my drawing, I've always liked drawing, I'm in control when I draw, I can do what I want, I'm not in control of what happens in my head so having a sense of domination when I draw is comforting, I can unleash myself on a piece of paper to imagine and create whatever I want.

Maybe I'll fit in at college, I just have to pretend I'm okay, don't get too close to anyone because this can be a vicious place, telling people secrets can lead to the whole college knowing and I really hate when people know my business when I don't want them too.

I'm good at faking smiles.

"I'm surprised you didn't draw a flower" Issac mumbles stopping my train of thoughts.

"Why would I draw a flower?" I raise my eyebrows not looking at him as I carry on my drawing, just like he is.

"Because you're a girl" I roll my eyes at his words.

"Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I'm gonna draw a flower or anything girl related, I can draw what we want" I mumble taking a peek at his drawing.

"You're very bold aren't you?" He catches my eye, "I like that" He smirks, I quickly look back down at my drawing.

Once the day was finished I gather my things and prepare for my bus journey home.

"You should come to the party" Issac speaks up, I look around to see everyone had gone, that was fast.

"Parties aren't for me" I shrug, his eyes were so powerful I could feel them burning through me without even looking at him.

"Do you leave the house?" He perches on the end of the table just in front of me so my eyes that were glancing down are now on him.

"Y-yes, sometimes" I'm annoyed by his question but I'm not sure why.

"Just wondering" He shrugs, he seems amused and interested in what I have to say, "Come to the party"

"I'll have to s-see, I've to go" I nervously gather my things and rush to the door.

"See you later, Darcy" I hear him mumble.

Him saying my name makes me feel all tingly. I stop outside the door with a pant thankful I didn't fall into anything on my way out.

I look through the little window to see him get to his feet and look down at my drawing, a girl with a fake smile but a tear crawling down her face is what I drew. I had completely forgot I was sharing a piece of paper with Issac and that he would see.

I mentally slap myself for being foolish before I see him pick the piece of paper up, fold his side down so it was only mine he was looking at and slide it into his pocket.

"Darcy! Come on, we can leave" Yasmin giggles as I smile and walk off towards her.

Why did he do that?

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