❥ Chapter 19.

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I'm back at college. Booooo!
This chapter is something little different I enjoyed writing this because parts I could connect to so I hope you like it. hmu with what you think. (:

Shouting questions and questions, mom and Ezra in my face. I zone out.

"Where have you been?"

"Why are you with that boy?"

"He's no good"

Just noise, I don't listen, just stare into blank space thinking about Issac. I just want to be with him, around him, in his arms. He makes me feel safe.

"I don't want you seeing him anymore"

I come back to life, "W-What?" I look up at mom, her arms folded. I know she's serious by the look in her eyes, she's never been good at setting orders in the house, dad was always the one to tell us off and give us punishment when we got into trouble but mom was serious this time.

"You're not to see him anymore" She repeats, "What-? No!" I stand, she can't do this.

"You're not to see him anymore Darcy! Now go to your room" She shouts, I feel silly like I'm five and she's telling me off, I wanna stamp my feet while trudging up the stairs but I don't, she can't tell me who I can and can't see, it's my life I'm so fed up of people telling me what to do.

They've grounded me, taken my phone. I try to calm myself down by finishing the homework me and Issac were set but it doesn't do anything I'm still raging.

I look at a picture, stare at it, me, mom, Ezra, Joseph and dad, smiley happy family, this is all his fault.

I throw the photo frame across the room, smashed to pieces on the floor I stand to my feet.

This is your fault, not his, who would want a disappointment of a daughter like you?

No one likes you.

I shake my head, deep breathing trying to hold onto the back of my bed for support but it doesn't stop, it's running through my head.

Joseph was right, you're a complete mental box, psycho.

Why are you even still here? You don't deserve to live.

You're worthless.

I smack my hands to my head trying to make it stop, falling to my knees I scream, tears flood down my face, why is this happening to me?

I feel like everyone is against me, laughing at me because Joseph was right.

No wonder Issac chose Ellie over you, you're nothing compared to her.

Did you think he'd actually stick around for you?

"GO AWAY" I cry hoping it will listen, my head pounds. My body heats up and I feel like I can't breath.

You should of listened to them girls at school, kill yourself.

No one would be sad if you went.

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