❥ Chapter 36.

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hi guys! thank you for 11k+ reads, i know i say this every time but it's really incredible, this means soooo much to me.

I open my eyes to Romeo looming down at me. "Hi baby" I smile and stroke his ears, "Hi" I hear Issac mumble sleepily behind me and I giggle.

"I was talking to the dog" I tickle Ro's belly, I hear Issac whine. "Where's my love and attention?" He kisses the back of my shoulder before he stretch's, sitting up.

I tut and shake my head, "Would you like me to scratch you behind the ear?" I smile up at him, a laugh tempting on my lips.

"I don't think I'd enjoy it as much as Romeo does" He smiles down at him, tickling Ro's belly as well.

"I should probably go home" I sit up rubbing my eyes, it's cloudy today.

"Stay for breakfast, I've to go meet Nathan but mom will cook you something" He smiles, at the mention of Nathan's name my mind whizzes back to Ellie. I hope she's okay.

I'm about to open my mouth to say something but he cuts me short, "Don't worry my mom will make you something, she loves to cook" He gives me a knowing look, he knows I was about to object with not wanting to put her out.

"Where are you going with Nathan?" I ask getting to my feet, he does the same.

"He asked me to help him with his art project, he needs to take some pictures" He shrugs.

"Are you his model?" I giggle. I scoop Romeo up in my hands.

He smiles with a look of embarrassment, "Yes" He mumbles, I awh at his adorableness.

"That's so cute. I'm quite jealous" I walk over to him with a goofy grin.

He shows me a toothy smile bending down to kiss me before leaving the glass room which we'd spent the night in. It wasn't cold outside, just a gently breeze.

We get into the nice warm house and I let Romeo down on the training pads, that Issac had kindly put down for him. No one but me Issac and Sam were in the house.

"Morning mom" Issac smiles entering the kitchen, it smells incredible in here. "Morning my lovelies" She chirps at us.

"It smells amazing in here" I breath in the scent, "Thank you, I'm making bread" She points to the oven behind me.

I take a seat on the stool by the breakfast table and Samantha offers me a full English, which I gladly take up with my mouth water, "I'll see you later" Issac hugs his mom goodbye when he's finished from upstairs and kisses me on the head, before vanishing out the door.

"He's always talking about you, I'm glad he finally asked the question" Samantha sighs with a warm smile.

"It's been a bit complicated" I shrug, embarrassed. I don't want Sam to think I've been stringing her son along. "He told me that it's been hard for you, he hasn't shared your personally problems, just told me you're going through a hard time" She gives me a sad smile.

"Yeah, I didn't want to rush things with Issac, I wanted him to know what he was getting into" I nod, "My problems are mental not physical" I share. I don't normally open up this quickly to people but Sam is just a warm person it's so easy to talk to her about anything.

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