All I ever wanted was for somebody to know me
All I ever wanted was for somebody to hear me
Just listen to me, know my thoughts
Someone, anyoneAll I ever wanted was someone to understand
'Cause it seems like I'm the one who always has to understand
Listen to them, fit right in even when
It's just meIs is too much to ask for a simple conversation?
Just to wait until I'm ready, while I work on my formation?
Just wait for me, let me think
I'd tell youI'd rather have an imaginary friend here
At least when I needed him most, he'd be there
I wouldn't have to talk because
He'd understandAll I ever wanted was to stop bottling it up
To open up my mind and let you get a closeup
But you wouldn't understand
The prison I live inWill you judge me if I tell you what I am?
Would you understand the pressure that made this gem?
I have to live with this
How come no one ever gets it?This is all I have; it's just a secret
I'm tired of it, so tell me why I keep it
I'm afraid to let you in
I'm afraid of thisI keep it locked inside so you don't see it
Maybe one day I will talk when I don't need it
This secret I will tell you
But not nowI know you care, that you'll be there
But you just can't understand
I have all I never wanted
Locked away inside my head