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My vision was blurry, my head dizzy as all hell, and I felt like I was going to puke every time I looked at something. I heard someone crunching on something and I looked up seeing the man from before eating chocolate from my purse.

"Look who's awake" He said excitedly, "You look like shit"

"Wh-Where am I?" I asked looking around seeing that I had no idea where I was

"My darling, you've been kidnapped" He said getting in my face

My eyes widened and I looked down seeing my feet and my arms tied up and I struggled to get out of them but I didn't have the strength.

"Don't bother" He said, "You don't even know your left from your right right now"

I gave him a confused look, "Did you drug me?"

"Only with the best stuff for such a beautiful girl" He put his hand on my face and I turned away

He laughed and I saw a bunch of blood everywhere and saw a needle in me draining my blood.

"Did you know your kind of blood is the best out there" He said

"What are you talking about?"
I asked

"You don't know do you?" He said as I didn't look at him but he could tell that I was confused, "Oh, come on! So your telling me you haven't heard the weird whispers everywhere getting louder and louder everywhere you went?" I looked up at him scared out of my god damn mind. "So do you know what that means? You're a Banshee"

"You're crazy" I said with a shaky voice

"Am I?" He said, "Or am I as sane as they say I am when I'm not here. You think I'm crazy, fine think that, but you know I'm right. I'm always right"

Roman's POV:

Peter called me the other day saying that Fiona was missing and I was confused and worried. I thought she left the party with some dude because her car was gone which I was jealous of. I went to Peters house so we could talk about how to find her.

"So you're sure she left the party" Peter asked

"Yeah, I mean her car wasn't there when I left so I just assumed" I said shaking my leg

"Then where the hell did she go?" Peter asked

I sighed, "I have no fucking clue"

Fiona's POV ( few days later )

It was torture. All of it. He abused the living crap out of me sexually and mentally and I couldn't take it. He rambled on about my scream and how it was worth something to people. He put me in old clothes that made me look like an orphan and took me up stairs where a bunch of people where waiting.

"Gentlemen," He said, "here I have a rare species that we all know is starting to go extinct. A Banshee. She is the last of many so I thought, why not bid her off. Let's start at 15 thousand"

I was miserable, tired, hungry, and I just wanted to scream out for help but I knew if I did he'd take my scream. They all started to bid and soon enough they were in the high millions and one guy was about to get me.

I shouted, "200 million"

Everyone lookeed at me like I was a pyhco which, clearly, I was.

"What are you doing?" He asked tightening his grip on my arm

"You said nothing about the person being bidded bidding on themself"
I said getting up in his face, "Any body gonna top that?"

Everyone stayed quiet and I smiled then someone shouted, "210 million"

Banshee /R.G.\ [ COMPLETED ]Where stories live. Discover now