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Why do people get married? That's my only question with life right now. If you know you're better off as friends why the fuck would you get married. My mom, brother, and me are moving to Hemlock Grove which is a boring place full of boring people. My mom just got divorced to my "dad" I guess you could call him because a few months ago mom told "dad" that I wasn't his and actually his brothers. It was a weird conversation.

"I promise that you will love it here" Mom said facing forward, "This is where I grew up and I know the kids may be a little creepy at first but-"

"Mom" I said cutting her off, "As much as I would love to hear your hour long lecture on how great this place is, again, can we just get to the house"

Mom sighed looking at my sleeping baby brother in the back of the car. Liam is hers and my dads but it's just sad that Liam will never get to know his dad like I never knew mine. Mom pulled up to the house and by god was it a large peice of colonial weirdness. 

I got Liam from the back seat and he strapped how legs around me his face on my shoulder

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I got Liam from the back seat and he strapped how legs around me his face on my shoulder.

"Do you like it?" Mom asked as if the world was going to end if I didn't say yes

"I mean it's bigger than our old house" I said shrugged

Mom clapped her hands and started to roll some of them bags inside. I looked around and saw a fancy red car sitting there and I turned away quickly walking inside. This place was already giving me chills and I've only been here less than 2 minutes.

"So I know this is a huge change and I know it's quick but I assure you that you will love it here"
Mom said happily

"Yeah" I said looking out the window seeing the same red car parked outside, "I can tell"

I got more of my stuff carrying it upstairs to my room and I flopped on the bouncy bed. I sighed happily as my feet hung off the edge of the bed and I heard something. I don't know what it was I kind of sounded like... whispering. I sat up and looked around and saw that the window was open so I went over and shut it. As I shut it I still saw the same rest car oudide. The doorbell rang and I heard my mom squeal with happiness. I went downstairs and sat on the stairs like the shy little baby that I was around people seeing who was at the door.

"Lynda!" Mom said hugging her, "it's so good to finally see you again"

Lynda smiled and I saw a boy behind her and we made eye contact for a split second then looked away. Lynda saw me and tears started to form in her eyes.

"My goodness" Lynda said walking in her hands over her mouth, "The last time I saw you you were only a peanut"

I gave a slight smile and mom motioned me to come down so I did.

"Sunshine I would like you to meet Lynda" Mom said putting her hand on my shoulder

I gave a slight wave and Lynda pulled me into a big hug. I tapped her back confused on what was happening then I realized, she was a gypsy.

"Oh, how rude of me this is Peter" Lynda said stepping out of the way. Peter gave a slight wave as I gave a slight smile, "Peter this is Fiona" Lynda said like my name wasn't enough of an embaressment.

"So... What's up?" I asked

Peter awkwardly swaying back and fourth, "Nothing really, got school tomorrow. That's about it"

I nodded and looked at the ground as Peter looked behind him because we both knew this was awkward.

"That's right you have school tomorrow" Mom said gasping

"Yay" I sighed under my breath walking over to the couch

Liam was playing with his toys having a blast of a time.

Lynda gasped, "This must be the new little shadowling"

I rolled my eyes because everyone calls him that I mean our last name is Shadow but come on don't make a nickname out of it. Lynda picked him up and Peter just stood there behind me watching.

"So... are you a senior?" Peter asked leaning in the couch

"Yep and it's amazing" I said sarcastically

Peter gave a slight laugh and Lynda and mom couldn't care less that we were still here.

"Just a forewarning the people here a little... weird" Peter said

"We're all weird" I said

"You have no idea" Peter said under his breath thinking I couldn't hear him

Word count:  807 words

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