The wedding part Two

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Alice walked down first then Rose. Then I watch Christa walk down. Then Mason walked down. Starry walked down with Hope in her arms and I watched as rose petals floated from the basket to the ground.

"You girls ready?" My dad asked. We both nod at the same time and we started our walk down the carpet.

We came around the corner and that's when I saw Edward and he was in his green dragon uniform with his prince crown. Craigo looked so handsome with his crown on.

We finally make it up to them. My dad puts my hand into Edward hand. "You changed my dress." Edward tells me with his mind. "Is it a bad thing?" I ask with my mind. "Hell no you look gorgeous Bella the true princess you are." I smile and blush.

Celtic walks up to me and lifts my vale and smiles at me and then steps back.

"We are gather today to Unite these four in marriage. The love of chosen one's and two princess's and Prince's to become as one today. Face each other please!"

We turn and face each other. My grandmother walks up to us and Celtic walks up to Craigo and Anthea and they both have ropes in there hand's.

"These ropes will bind these love one together as one as we Unite them." Grandmother wraps the rope around mine and Edward hand's and Celtic lays the rope over Craigo and Anthea necks.

"I need the rings and bridles please!" Mason and Toothless walk up now. Celtic reaches for them and hands grandmother the rings as he takes the bridles.

"We bless these objects to protect you on your journey of love and building it stronger and binding it together forever as one." Celtic nods to grandmother.

Grandmother hands me Edward ring. I put it on Edward finger. "I give my heart to you Edward Anthony Mason Cullen to Love, protect as we bond together and become stronger in love and strength as we become one today." I say.

Grandmother hands Edward mine ring and he places it on my finger. "I give my heart to you Isabella Marie Swan to Love, protect as we bond together and become stronger in love and strength as we become one today." Edward says.

"Do you pledge to love and protect Craigo as you become one Anthea?" She nods and Craigo lower his head as Celtic puts on the bridle.

"Do you pledge to and protect Anthea as you become one Craigo?" Craigo nods and Celtic does the same with Anthea.

They take off the ropes. "Do you guys promise to protect the dragons?" Celtic asks.

"We do!" Edward and I say at the same time and Anthea and Craigo bow there heads. Grandmother and Celtic walk over with over with our new crowns and we both kneel down as they replace our crowns.

They do the same with Craigo and Anthea. "Face each other again." Celtic says. "You two may kiss now." I giggled but Edward stops me as he pressed his lips to mine.

It felt like we were in our own little world. When we pulled apart Edward leaned his forehead against mine. "I love you so much." He tells me. "As I love you Edward." I looked down and realized we we're floating.

"I do believe this is both of our power." Edward looked down and then wrapped his arms around me. "I think your right." He chuckles. "Can you set us down please!" He told me.

I float us back to the ground and Edward turns us to face everyone.


I watch as Bella dances with her father as I take a drink of my champagne. "Are you happy?" Christa asks me. I turn and look at her. "Very much so." I told her.

"Bella looks happy." Christa says. "Yeah, everything is the way it's suppose to be." I tell her.

I finally walk up to Bella. "May I have the honor to dance with my bride?" I ask. "You may!" Bella takes my hand and I pull her to me.

We start dancing. "Are you happy?" I ask her. "Very! I am married to you." She smiles at and twirls in my arms. "Hold that thought!" She tells me.

She walks up to a fairy and whisper's in her ear. Then I watch as Toothless and Anthea and some other fairy's fly over.

Then I watch as Bella floats into the air. Toothless and Anthea take off and so do the fairies.

"READY!" She says. Then a beautiful light show begins. God she never seizes to amaze me at what she can do. She looks down at me and wiggles her finger at me.

I float off the ground and she motions her hand to her and I float to her. I smile and shake my head.

"Never seizes to amaze me Bella." I tell her. "Do tell me dear husband." I wrap my arm around her waist and take her hand into my. "You are amazing my wife and beautiful too." I told her as I started dancing with her again.

She was laughing. She felt so free. Like for the first time in her life nothing could stop her from being this happy and care free.

I watched as she danced away from and glow of light came around. Child of light! I say to myself. As the light show grows so does her happiness.

She starts giggling. Then I watch as she closes her eyes and starts spinning and raises up and a light from the sky comes down then a white light comes from Anthea and blue light comes from Toothless.

Then I see Craigo fly up and a green light come from him. My eyes widened as I watch. Then they stop and Bella still covered by light as she floats back down to the ground and I go back down as well.

As we touch the ground the disappears from Bella and she has a smile on her face and her dress changed again along with her crown. Her hair has highlights in it now.

I walk up to her and stand in front of her. "What just happen?" I asked her. She smiled. "I became the queen I was meant to be." She told me. "Know it's your turn to become the king your meant to be."

I do not own all my characters in my story Stephanie Meyers does.

I own the rest of the characters and the story.

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