Edward remembers Bella

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I can't believe Bella thought of herself that way. She is beautiful. She even died. I start shaking my head.

She gave up her life for me. She loved me that much. All I got to do is let her in.


I opened my eyes and turn my head to see Edward sitting there and he has his head buried in his arms.

I wrapped the blanket around and crawl over to Edward because I can feel his frustration.

"Edward look at me please!" He slowly lift his head and he has tears falling. "You gave up your life for me." He told me. "Yes and I do it again if I had to Edward. My love for you is that strong and no one can break that bond." I told him.

"Are we married?" He asked me. I closed my eyes. "Yes!" I tell him. "Are those children mine?" He asked me. I open my eyes. "Yes Edward they are." I told him.

Tears start falling from my eyes. "You thought of yourself as a monster?" I nodded my head. "Still do sometimes." I told him. "Why?" He asked me.

I stand up and hold the blanket to me and turn away. "Because of all my scares Edward and how I got them. Hell you witness exactly how I got the one on my leg except last time he, he oh God I can't say it because I almost wasn't pure Edward. Then Tanya tried to kill me when I was younger. I have scares on my back and the one on my side." I explained.

"Your beautiful Bella. Hell I may not remember but you are beautiful." I slowly turn around and Edward was standing up now.

"I'm lost without you Edward. No one understands not even you." I tell him. "Then help me understand then damn it. Because I am sick of tired of not remembering. All I want.." I stopped him when I run up to him and press my lips to his.

I lick his bottom lip to ask for permission in which he grants and I grant him. I snake my arms around his neck as he wraps his arms around me and pulls me close.

We pull apart and he leans his forehead against mine. We were breathless. "Show me who I am Bella please!" I take his hand and lead him over to the bedding.

I press my lips to his and I pull his shirt off. I drop the blanket and Edward looks at me before he presses his lips to mine again. I undid his pants and help he helps me take them off and then he lays me gently down on the bedding.

He pulls away and looks into eyes as he enters me. I tip my head as we move together. It doesn't take us long and Edward falls on top of me.

I wrap my arms around him not wanting to let go. But then he turns over and takes me with him. "God I love you Bella." I smile into his neck. "As I love you Edward." I told him.

I woke the next morning to Edward trailing kisses along my shoulder. "I know your awake baby." He said. I smile and turn in his arms. "You remember." I told him.

"I remember you and I guess that's a start. The rest will come with your help." I snuggled closer to him. "I miss this." I told him. He chuckled.


Bella fell back asleep. She needed her rest anyways. I brush some hair out of her face and lean over and kiss her on the forehead.

I get up and take care of the fire. Then Craigo lands. "How is Bella?" He asks me. "Better and resting for now." I told him.

"I feel that you remember something." He tells me. I turn and look at Bella. "I remember Bella." I told him

"That's a start and a good thing King Edward." Craigo chuckles. "One thing at a time my friend." I tell him.

"Go before she wakes up." Craigo takes off and I wave my hand for some broth.

I walk over to Bella and sit down. "Baby wake up." She opens her eyes and looks at me not saying a word.

"You need to try and eat some broth." She shook her head. "Not hungry?" She shook her head again. I chuckled. "Your tired." She just nods her head. "Go back to sleep baby." I told her.

I wave my hand for a cup of coffee and start drinking it and just thinking.


I woke back up and Edward was sitting next to the fire drinking coffee. I just laid there and watched him.

"I can feel you awake over there. Are you hungry?" I bury my face and smile. "No, but I would like some of that coffee please." I told him.

"Here!" I turn over and sit up and Edwards hands me a cup of coffee. "You need to shave." I told him taking a sip of my coffee. "What you don't like the scuff?" He asked me. I wrinkle up my nose. "Sorry, but no!" I told him.

He shakes his head and chuckles. "Alright I will shave it off." He gets up and walks away. Then I realized I had to use the bathroom. I started tapping my cup.

I waved my hand but nothing happened. I arched my eyebrow in confusion. I waved my hand again and nothing. "Oh oh!" I say.

"Oh oh, what Bella?" He asks me. "Umm how much do you remember about me?" I asked him. "Not everything but enough. You want to tell me what's going on!" He tells me.

"I lost my powers again." I shrink and cover my head with the blanket waiting for him to yell.

I feel the blanket being pulled down and Edward looking at. "This is not your fault Bella. Just like the last time was not your fault." He told me. "You remember?" He nods his head.

"Anthea told me something. Everything happens for a reason. That it has to happen for a reason. I think it's happening to help me understand you better. Hell maybe help me understand myself better too. But for whatever reason Bella were in this together." He told me.

"Yeah but I have to live out my greatest fears how does that seem fair. To think I really didn't kill that guard." I told.

"What's your fear with him Bella?" I open my mind and show Edward because it was better than telling him.

Edward cups the side of my face. "Maybe I was meant to kill him not you. Maybe that's part of what you have to go through. We have to fight these fears together." He tells me.

"I am scared of my biggest fear of all and that's having to die again to save you. To lose you I will not because you are the reason I breath Edward." I told him.

"Don't say that. You already lost me in away when I lost my memory isn't that enough." He tells me. "I hope so, God I hope so."

I do not own all the characters in the story Stephanie Meyers does.

I own the rest of the characters and the story.

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