The start of the honeymoon part one

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Edward looked at me confused. "Close your eyes and just feel inside your heart and let go Edward and then just let it in my love. Trust me." I told him as I stepped back.

He closes his eyes and I felt him relax. Then I watch as he floated up into the air and the Ray of light came down and hit him.

"Now you guys!" I told the dragons. I watched as they hit Edward one at a time with there light and I couldn't help but smile as I felt Edward let it in and open up fully to it.

He finally floats back down and the light disappears. His crown and sword is different. But his uniform stays the same.

"I never felt more connected to you as I do to to you now. It's like I feel your emotions and everything. It's so amazing." He tells me. I smile and nod my head.

"We also bare our new family crest now too." I told him. He walks up to me and stands in front of and takes his hand cups the side of my face and I lean into his touch as I look into his eyes.

"Your my life as our children are my life. I love you with all my heart and soul Bella and no one can take that away from us. Our bond is strong and I can feel it." He tells me.

"I know I can feel it to Edward and I love you with all my heart and soul." He presses his lips to mine and licks my bottom lip to ask for permission inside which I grant him.

We pull away breathless. We look in each other's eyes like he asking me something and I nod my head and we turn and walk into the castle.

Edward scoops me up bridle style and carries me into our bedroom and then sets me down on my feet. I press my lips to his and get lost into him. I feel like we are in are in are own world again.

I feel my dress drop to the floor. I pull away and lay myself down on the bed. I watch as Edward gets undressed.

He gently kisses up my both my legs up my body until he reaches my lips again. Then he pulls away and looks into my eyes as he enters me as we become one.

I push up to meet his hips and move together like we were made for each other. I watch as a glow of light surrounds us.

I flip us over and move myself on top of him. I feel Edward sit up and trail kisses down my neck and I tip my head back as I hit my release and Edward hits his release soon after. I had to bury my face into Edward neck because I didn't want no one to hear me.

Edward wraps his arms around me and pulls me down with him with him. "Was that a glow of light I saw around us?" Edward asks me. "I do believe so." I giggled.

"God it's been too long being with you like this. It feels good to have you in my arms again." Edward told me. "I know what you mean. Want to take a shower... Eeek!" Edward picks me up and carries me into the shower.


I set Bella down and turned on the water. "So what's the plan for the honeymoon my dear husband?" Bella asks me.

"Anything you want to do my dear wife." I tell her. "Stay here and shoo everyone away." I chuckled. "That's easy enough." I tell her. "Good! because I love it here. Our spot and our kingdom together." She tells me.

I pull her to me and kiss her neck. "Me too." I told her. We finish our shower and I get dress and go outside and inform everyone what we decide and the family agree to take the kids.

I watch as everyone leaves. "They all left?" Bella asked as she walks beside me. I put my arm around her and pull her close to me and kiss the top of her head. "Yeah they all left." I told her.

Bella looked up to the sky. "It's so beautiful here." She says. "Not as beautiful as you are Bella." I tell her. She was in a white nightgown and the moon light was shining down on her.

"Can we stay out her underneath the stars tonight?" She asks me. "Sounds like a plan." I waved my hand for bedding and a fire.

I waved my hand over my head for pajamas. We lay down and fall asleep.

I wake up to Bella nudging me. "What is it Bella?" I ask her without opening my eyes. "Umm, I thought maybe after the darkness within me was destroyed that maybe those things would go away. God I hate snakes." Bella said with her mind.

I snapped my eyes open to look and sure enough the snakes we're there. "Oh shit!" I say with my mind.

"On the count of three we teleport." I tell her with my mind. "1, 2.."  Bella disappeared. "What happened to three?" I say with my mind as I teleported.

"I hate snakes. You need to kill them." She tells me. "What happened to being a team here?" I asked her. "Snakes are out. No team when it comes to snakes buddy." All I could do is laugh at her. "Alright I will get rid of them tomorrow and the spiders. Now let's go to bed." I lead her to bed as I shake my head.

I do not own all the characters in the story Stephanie Meyers does.

I own the rest of the characters and the story.

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