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I woke up gasping for air. I looked around and Edward was no where in site. But something did not feel right like someone was watching me.

I started breathing heavy. I waved my hand over my head but I forgot my magic didn't work. I hurried and wrapped the blanket around me and grabbed my dress and hid behind a tree and hurried and got dressed.

I looked around the tree and sure enough the guard was there. I turned back and brace my back against the tree. "Bella what's wrong?" I heard in my mind. "He's here. The guard." I told Edward with my mind. "I'm on my way." He tells me.

"I told you I find you." I heard in my ear. I screamed and took off running.


"I bring forth the green dragon within me! May I fight with honor and light and strength. May I bring my enemies down!" I focus on Bella and teleport to her.

The guard had her against the tree tied up. I arch my eyebrow in confusion. His whip is different this time. When I look back at Bella I notice blood on her and he snaps the whip again and hits her.

I fall to my knees has I feel her pain and she screams. "I want you to remember this time." He tells her. Oh no he doesn't.

I get up and walk over and grab his arm and my other hand went for his throat. "Not this time. This time I end you." With that I take both my hands and broke his neck. He fell to the ground and disappeared like the other guy did.

I walked over to Bella and untied her. She collapsed in my arms. "I think your fear changed." She shook her no. She showed me with her mind what happened the first time.

It was just playing out like it did before. I took her back to camp and cleaned here wounds and she fell asleep. Athena and Craigo both landed this time.

"The book Edward. Celtic had us bring you your book he said it was important." I walked up and took the book our of the bag and it was mark.

I opened it and read it.

The king will lose his memory in order to find his his true self and help the queen relive her fears so the king can understand her better and let her in.

I raise an eyebrow. I look up to them.  "Umm question how many fears does she have?" I ask. "That's it. Celtic said it doesn't have to just have to be her fears. The darkness could bring back anything that she hasn't dealt with and relieve it again." My eyes widened.

"Me dying!" I say. "Yeah but it won't be you it will be your past self you see and you watch with your own eyes what happens. It could be in her dream state." Craigo explained to me.

"Great that means I got to watch how she's dies to. Damn it!" I run my hands through my hair.

"Go let them know we are alright for now." I told them. As they left I went and checked on Bella.

Why does she have relive this and go all through this again? I do not understand.

I picked up my and started going through it. Then I found another page.

The female chosen one most correct her path from were she made the mistake. It does not change nothing but with the help of the male chosen he can stop were the darkness first started without her knowing.

I looked down at Bella. "What did you do that you don't even know?" I whispered. I looked back through the book and there was something about me.

In order for you to get back your memories you must help your true love find her true path and heart before the dark one can take her and turn her and bare a child of great evil. For only you can lead to the light she was truly born for.

I looked up from the book. So something has happened in her life that started changing her. I lost my memory for a reason. I will not fully get it back or I can lose it all together. Great this sucks.

Did I already know everything when I had my memories or has she kept it from me. So many questions I cannot answer and where do we start?

"We start at in the mortal world Edward." I look down at Bella and she was awake. "You kinda of open your mind up and I heard everything Edward. Yes you knew everything because I showed you. But I did not know I let darkness in." She told me.

I cupped the the side of her face. "So how do we do this Bella?" I asked her. "First we go to the castle and let everyone know that we have to make a trip but we don't tell them why. Then we grab my book to because I seen some stuff in there. Then you take me to each place. We are not going to like what's going to happen because I have to relieve it and I will get hurt but we have to do this. All the way until well we or you get all your memories back. I don't know how this works." She told me.

"You do know no one can go with us." I told her. "I know Edward." She said. "We do this together every step of the way." She nods her head.

I do not own all my characters in my story Stephanie Meyers does.

I own the rest of the characters and the story.

The journey of the chosen ones Book FiveWhere stories live. Discover now