Edward wakes up from his coma

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It's been 2 weeks now and Edward still in a coma. Everyone is here and I made a special room for all the books.

I been doing research on how to block Draco from my dream state but can't. I hit the table and slid to the floor and let the tears fall.

I felt a hand cup the side of my face. I look up and it was Celtic. "Dear child what is wrong?" He asked me. "I can not figure out way to block Draco from coming into my dream state before I go into it to contact Edward." I explained to him.

"May child you have to be in your dream state to say the spell. Did you think of that?" My eyes widened Then I kissed Celtic on the cheek. "Thank you!" I took off for our bedroom and shut the door and locked it behind me.

I climbed on the bed next to Edward and laid down. I closed my eyes and relaxed. I thought of Edward and my dream state world.

I opened my eyes. "I block Draco and all evil from my dream state world to ever step forth into this world." I put up my hands and watch as a glowing white light come out from my hands and spread out across the dream scape world.

"Bella you came." I smiled and nodded at Edward and ran into his arms. He wrapped his arms around me as I wrapped mine around his.

"You have to fight Edward!" I told him. He pulls away and cups my face. "Believe me baby I am. I feel an infection inside me. You have to tell my father. Plus there was some type of poison on the whip. Not a poison that kills though. I'm not sure." He told me.

"It's a poison so you don't remember Edward. I am sorry. I know all to well. God what do I do here?" I asked. "You'll just have to get me to remember just like I did you." I stepped away.

"That's going be easier said than done with you." I start laughing. "Oh boy I am in for it." I say. Edward chuckles.

He wraps his arms around me and pulls me to him. "I think your right on that one. I can be pretty stubborn myself. Come lay with me at least we have tonight to be together before you wake in the morning." He tells me.

I woke up the next morning and lift my head and look at Edward. "I will not give up on you Edward. I promise. I love you dear husband." I lean down and press my lips to his and get up and take a shower.

I told Carlisle what Edward told me and told everyone what I found out and about Edward going to loose his memories.

We started up Mason training again. Even the fairies came and helped him with his training. Trivial and Celtic was also working with him to.

I decided just to work out on my own with Emmett. He was a great swords man. I also decided to teach what I knew to.

But this day I decided to to train on my own. Or say just practice my moves. It's been a month since Edward woke up from his coma.

I walked into the castle to take a shower and while in the shower I heard a loud thud. I turned off the shower and put my robe and walked into the bedroom and Edward was on the floor.

"Let me help you!" I walked over to him knowing he wouldn't remember me. He looked up at me and he put his hand up to stop me. I shook my head.

"I maybe a female and a Queen sir but I am sure not weak. Let me help you." I helped him back on the bed.

"Where am I?" He asked me. "You are in my kingdom. Dragon Isle. I am Queen Bella and you sir are Edward before you even ask me before you even ask." I told him.

"Edward awake Bella?" I look up to Anthea. "Yes Anthea! Let Celtic know so Carlisle can come and check over Edward." I told her. She nods and turns and leaves.

"You know what she says?" He asked me. "Yes! I can talk to all dragons and they can talk to me for I am there Queen." I explained to him.

"Mom grandpa wants you." I shake my head. "Tell him I will be there in a minute Mason." I told Mason. "Da.." I stopped him before he could finish. "Yes he is awake and remember what I told you son." I told him.

"Oh yeah, sorry mom." He told me. "It's alright now go do what I told you and go check on the hatchlings please." He nods and walks away.

"How old is he?" Edward asked me. "In the mortal world he is 8 months old the magical world almost two years old. I have a two month old daughter to. Before you even ask I am only 17 years old." I told him.

"Where is your husband?" I froze a second. "Not here! If you'll excuse me now I have to get dress and go see what my father wants." I walk out the door and lean against it and take a deep breath. I wave my hand over my head for clothing.

Carlisle walks up. "Move Edward into the bedroom beside my please. He doesn't remember anything and you might to want to block your mind from him." I told him.

"Yes my Queen." He tells me. "And stop calling me that Carlisle." I walked away to go find my father.

I do not own all my characters in my story Stephanie Meyers does.

I own the rest of the characters and the story.

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