Chapter 1: Best Day Ever

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((Note: This is the moment you guys are waiting for. Not only Volume 5 is coming, I am planning to finish Blake Belladonna x Self Faunus Vol 2 as quickly as possible. There will be a new semblance idea. Let's hope it work. Right now, I'm putting a lot of effort to get it done. Let's do this!!))


It has been a couple of months from the heist Roman tried to pull off. After that, everything seems "normal" for now. I have been going on dates with Blake & I told her about almost everything I have done as the Silent Predator.........the key word is "almost." I am still scared to tell her that the person she used to look up stab me right in the heart. How did I survived THAT? I don't know. It was lunch time. I was getting my food & decided to hit on the right side of her & look at her sketch of the person she used to trust. She sense my presence, look to her right, & our eyes meet.

Me: Still trust him?

Blake: Not anymore.

I decided to eat my food, but before I take the first bite, she stopped me by calling my name.

Blake: Khiry?

Me: Yeah?

I look at her with concern.

Blake: What do you think of Me?

Me: Ummmmmm.......

My answer was pretty much interrupted(save because I don't know what to say) by Blake's partner, Yang as she slid to Blake's left side & wants to know.

Yang: Whatcha doing?

Weiss join in by sitting at the left side of me.

Blake: Nothing.

Me: We're just going over some notes from last semester.

Yang then catch a piece of food in her mouth.

Yang: Lame.

I look forward to see Team JNPR & saw Nora is using a spoon to flick pieces of grape at Yang, resulting in catching in her mouth & gave her a thumbs up. I pick up my sandwich & start eating when our attention was turn to Ruby, who slam(not hard) the biggest binder I have seen, label "Best Day Ever Activities!" She cough a bit to get our attention.

Ruby: Sisters! Friends! Weiss...

Weiss: Hey!

Ruby: Four score & seven minutes ago, I had a dream...

Yang: This ought to be good.

Nora flick a piece of strawberry at me & I caught it in my mouth. I ate it, but leave the end behind.

Ruby: A dream that one day, the five of us would come together as a team, & have the most fun anyone has ever had, ever!

Weiss: Did you steal my binder?

Ruby: I am not a crook.

Me: So, you "borrow" her binder?

I use air quotation around the word, "borrow."

Ruby: Eeyup.

Blake: What are you talking about?

Ruby: I'm talking about kicking off the semester with a bang!

Yang: I always kick my semesters with a Yang! Ehh!? Guys? Am I right?

Me: No.

I was caught off guard when Yang got hit in the head with an apple, that Nora threw. I laughed at that.

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