Chapter 3: A Minor Hiccup

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((Note: I stood up all night, thinking about this story. Maybe have a theme song for myself. Maybe........Let's do this!!))

Blake POV

((Note: This part, they were whispering until the bell rang.))

Blake: Are you ok, Khiry?

Yang: Yeah, you do look sleepy.

Me: Port's story ain't helping much, also.

Blake: I know, but you got one more minute. Can you--

I was interrupted by a "Thud" sound. When Yang & I look, we saw Khiry's head down & eyes closed. He fell asleep......within the last minute.

((Note: Have you ever fall asleep during the last minute of school, for any reason? Comment below.))

Yang: He & Ruby are pretty much sleep when it comes to Port.

I shook my head & smile.

Blake(head): I'm glad to have someone like you, Khiry.

My thoughts was interrupted by bell ringing. Khiry's eyes shot open as he proceed to sit up & look at us.

Khiry: I fell asleep, didn't I?

Me & Yang nodding our heads simultaneously. He look down, realizing his lack of sleep for today.

Port: & then I-- oh, uh, timed that one wrong I guess. Well, the stunning conclusion to the story will have to wait. Until next time.

We got up & grab our stuff.

Jaune: Weiss? Did you hear Me?

Weiss: No, No, No, Yes.

((Note: Damn, Rejected 3x in a row. A triple shame combo.))

Jaune sighed & put his head down from the tries.

Jaune: ...Oh.

Yang patted his head.

Yang: One day.

Me: I don't think that day will happen.

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Writer watching Blazblue Cross Tag Battle trailer


We all went to our dorms & started to execute our plan to find out what Roman is up to for the past couple of months. I went to get my Silent Predator gear & put it on in the bathroom while the girls decided to get ready as well. I was done & waiting on them to knock the door. Someone knock on the door, I open it & saw Blake in her new less flashy clothes.

 Someone knock on the door, I open it & saw Blake in her new less flashy clothes

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