Chapter 2: Welcome to Beacon

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((Note: Well, one of my friend suggest that I should have Blake & Yang share him. I will see what I can do. Let's do this!))


I was washing my hair in the kitchen sink since the girls are taking turns in the shower, I decided to do a quick wash up. I turn the sink water off.

???: Here.

I turn my attention to Yang, who is handing me a towel. I grab it & rub my hair to dry it.

Yang: You think Blake is mad at me for having my chest on your face?

Me: A death stare can scare you as much.....but it's depends on the person who's doing it.

Yang: Oh. Also, you might want to see this.

Yang led me to the room & I saw everyone looking out the window. When I look, I see atlas ships approaching the school.

Weiss: What do you think the atlas ship are doing here, Khiry? I mean, You & the general are pretty much "opposites" in your words.

Me: Yeah, but I don't know why are they here in the first place. You girls guess on why they are here is as good as mine.

Ruby: Ohh. Well, let's start with our activities. Our first activity is going to the library & Play Remnant: The game.

Yang: Aw, yeah! You guys are going down! I'm an ace at Remnant!

Ruby: You will never be Me!

Yang: So, who else is joining?

Me: Depends. 4 kingdoms & 5 player. Someone is gonna have to sit out.

Weiss: I've never back down from a challenge.

Blake: Huh? Yeah, sure.

Me: I'll set out. I promise Pyrrha I will help Jaune with his studies. Speaking of, I'm going to get them.

I put my hat back on my head. I exit the dorm & knock on team JNPR's door.

Ren: One second.

After a couple of second, Ren opens the door & somehow, my attention was brought to Nora jumping on the bed.

Ren: How can I help you, Khiry?

Me: Oh! I was wondering if you guys can come to the library with us?

Jaune: Sound great!

Pyrrha: That's sound grand!

Nora: Library equal sleeping time! Count me in!

Ren: That would be excellent. I can finally check up on my reading.

Me: Sweet! Get yourselves ready & we'll be over there soon.

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Khiry's Fire fist

Ruby: Yang! Prepare your kingdom for battle!

Yang: Bring it on!

I overheard the sisters battling each other at the board game as they sat with Weiss & Blake at one table while I sit with JNPR at another one close to their. Ren is reading a big book, Nora fell asleep, I was doing my study while Pyrrha is helping Jaune's study. When I look at Jaune, he was reading a comic book. I look at Pyrrha & notion her to see Jaune. Pyrrha cough to get Jaune attention, only for her to take the comic out of his hands & push him a book. I smile at this, only to see a piece from the board game, that hit Jaune on his shoulder. I pick up the piece & put it on their table.

RWBY: Blake Belladonna x Self(Faunus:Wolf) Vol 2Where stories live. Discover now