Chapter 4: Painting the Town...

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((Note: I will be adding some characters from other universes. Not a lot. Just a couple, like Carmelita. Let's do this!))

Blake POV

I saw the three claw scratches on the wall. I took a peek around the wall & see two faunus going in by the gentleman faunus. I turn my attention to Sun, who called Khiry again to see his whereabouts.

Blake: How far are you, now?

Me: Near the building. I found a window near a ledge.

Sun: You sure?

Me: Sun. If Roman's there, I'll blow our cover. It will be best if you two are going to be my ears, no offense.

Blake: None taken.

Me: Alright. Good luck in there.

Sun put the call in mute, so we couldn't hear Khiry's voice. I look at Sun.

Blake: This is it.

Sun: You sure?

I just plainly looked at Sun, & he quickly understand & respond.

Sun: Y'know, I'm just gonna take your word for it.

Sun hide his scroll in his & button his shirt up, while I take off my bow. We got our mask & walk in to another hallway. Sun stop me & asked a question.

Sun: I don't get it. If you believe what you're doing is right, why hide who you are?

Blake: The masks are a symbol. Humanity wanted to make monsters out of us, so we chose to don the faces of monsters.

Sun: Grimm masks. That's kinda dark.

Blake: So was the guy who started it. Khiry told me that every time he don his mask, he felt what was it like on the other side: the human side. He said he enjoyed it. But he told me that he wants the world to know, when the time is right.

Sun: What does he mean by that?

Blake: No idea.

Sun: Always sunshine & rainbows with you.

We don the masks & proceed to enter with the other faunus & the White Fang. A couple of members is standing on the stage near the windows. The man on the stage is telling us to quiet down.

WFM: Thank you all for coming. For those of you who are joining us for the first time tonight, allow me to introduce a very special comrade of ours. I can assure you, he is the key to obtainingwhat we have fought for, for so long.

The man walk out & it was Roman. The White Fang are cheering at him.

Roman: Thank you, thank you! Please, hold your applause.

We then see a girl that is about Weiss height. Who is she? Is this the girl Khiry ran into the Emerald Forest? My thoughts was interrupted by a girl Faunus.

Girl Faunus: What's a human doing here?

Roman: I'm glad you asked, dearie. Now I'll be the first to admit, humans are the WORST. Case in point. So I understand why you would love to see us all locked away, or better yet: killed!

Sun lean in close to me & whispered.

Sun: So, is he going somewhere with this or...

Roman: ...would like to mention the fact that you & I ALL have a common enemy. Or rather......two. First are the ones in control, the people pulling the strings, the dirty rotten humans that run our kingdoms. Government. Military. Even the schools, they're all to blame for your lot in life. The second is invisible shield....known as Silent Predator.

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