Chapter 11: No Brakes

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((Note: One more chapter! Then I can take a break for now. Also, if you want to hear the names in the powers, Go to Chap. 10. Let's do this!!))

Ruby POV

I got pushed down by Roman after being taken to him when the guys from the white Fang. I stared at him angrily as he walk towards me.

Roman: Wow, you are much more manageable without that oversized gardening tool of yours.

He made angry so, I got up & tried to hit him, but he move out of the way making me trip.

Roman: Oh, man. Ya know, Perry, I really did need this.

I heard him laughing, then calmly down.

Roman: But seriously... How'd ya find this place, Red?

He hold his cane with the barrel near my neck. I growl at him & activate my semblance to get away. However, I felt like something coming towards me. So, I look & see his hook latch onto me. He then started to pull me back.

Roman: I see you've got some tricks up your sleeve. Let me make this clear. We're not through here yet.

What surprised is that an arrow scratch his cheek as he hold it in pain. I sat up & saw Khiry, carrying a bow & arrows, & Crescent Rose, walking towards us.

Me: You should feel ashamed of yourself, picking on little defenceless girls.

Roman: Perry, if you & the boys could take care of this pest?

The guys charged at Khiry. I saw the bow & arrow disappear. However, Khiry pull out Crescent Rose & use it to on two of the guys. They fall down.

Me: Don't worry. The others are here.

I seen a bunch of White Fang running away from Yang & the others.

Roman: Finish him!

They start shooting back at Khiry, but he stomp the ground, creating a stone wall cover & the next thing, I was being dragged underground & popped on the other side with Khiry. I look at him & he made a gesture to keep me quiet. The shooting stops for a second & he hand me Crescent Rose.

Yang: Ruby!

Weiss: Are you okay?

Ruby: I'm fine! I'm fine! But listen... Torchwick's got all sorts of weapons & robots down there.

Blake: What?

Ruby: Androids, mechs.. they're all loaded up on the train cars.

Oobleck: Ah, that's ridiculous! These tunnels are sealed. The tracks lead to a dead end.

We heard the speakers loud enough to hurt our ears.

Roman: Get to your places, we are leaving now!

I heard Khiry punch the stone wall, revealing that the train is starting to move & it heading off.

Yang: Well, it sounds like they're going somewhere.

Me: That train maybe heading towards city.

Ruby: We need backup! Let me call Jaune.

I tried calling Jaune, but my scroll said low signal.

Ruby: I can't get through!

Weiss: So, what do we do?

Me: Only one....simple.....option.

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