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The next day Yoongi shifted awkwardly on his seat, watching his sister eat her lunch as she talked to Jungkook. She was playing her bitch card again but Jungkook just chuckled at every insult and played along.
Yoongi wasn't paying attention tho. He was waiting for Jimin and for some reason he was extremely nervous. They talked for a little after they cum but then Jimin had to hung up and Yoongi went showering.

Jungkook layed his head on his arms and stared up at Yoonji, with a cocky grin.
Yoonji scoffed and hit his head, before smiling with puffed cheeks, her mouth was full with food.

Yoongi watched the odd scenario. Did he miss something? Did Yoonji actually enjoy this?

"Don't  look at me like that" Yoonji complained while fidgeting.

Jungkook raised an eyebrow and his grin got even wider.

"Hey Yoonji" Jungkook called out after she turned away to chew her food in peace.

"What do you want you dumbfuck-"

"Go out with me" Jungkook said bluntly.

"Pff what the fuck no, forget it! Why would I-"

"This wasn't  a question, I'll  pick you up at six. Wear something  nice"
And with those words he stood up and  waved at Yoongi as if he just realised that he had been there too.

Yoonji stared at her hands, her face flushed.

"That was-" Yoongi started, after Jungkook left the cafeteria but he got cut off by a widely smiling Taehyung  that placed his plate across from Yoongi.

"Ahhh I'm  glad my favourite  twins still have a seat left for me" he said sarcastically.

"I bet we're the only twins you know" Yoonji said, brushing her hair back. She pulled herself together before giving  him a rather cold smile.
Yoongi doubted Taehyung could see that her cheeks were redder than usual  and that she was biting the inside of her cheek to keep herself from giggling like a stupid little girl.

"Yeah" Taehyung said and scratched the back of his head, a little uncomfortable.
"However, you guys are still my favourite..." he let his voice trail off.

Yoongi saw Jin and Mika approaching.
Mika flopped down on the seat next to  Yoonji and sighed heavily. She dramatically threw her upper body on the table and groaned.

"What's  wrong" Taehyung  asked.

"Hoseok is sick" She whined.

"Life suddenly feels so much worse" Jin declaimed theatrically.

"Shut up" Mika mumbled and lifted her head from the table.

"Why can't you just visit him later?" Yoongi asked softly, he could totally relate to her situation.

"I want him nooow" She howled and started fake crying.

Yoonji patted her shoulder, smiling slightly.
But the moment she touched her Mika suddenly sat up straight and brushed her hair back.

"He did it, didn't  he?!" She asked extremely excited.
Everybody at the table stared at her, confused.

"What do you mean-" Yoonji was startled by the sudden mood switch.

"Did he ask you out?!" Mika grabbed her hand and grinned so wide her eyes  disappeared.

Yoonji stuttered  without coming up with an anwser.
Mika squealed and bounced up and down.

"I'm  so glad!! I told him to, I thought he wouldn't but he did, he is so brave I would've  never asked you out, no offense... you're kinda scary, but he did it I'm  so proud oh man oh man-"
She babbled  without any pauses until Taehyung raised his hand, slightly confused. A weird feeling crawled up his spine.

"Hold on a second, what are you talking about"

"Jungkook asked her out" Yoongi said.

Taehyungs jaw dropped and he needed a second to understand.

"Wait-wait and you said yes?!" He asked Yoonji perplexed and even more confused now.

"Technically, he didn't ask me out" Yoonji said flipping her hair back, before taking another bite.
"He forced himself onto me" She continued, slightly muffled due to the food in her mouth.

Yoongi watched Taehyung  carefully. He knew the boy had an interest in his twin sister so he was expecting him to react some sort of way. Shout, cry. Yoongi even thought that he would ask her out aswell, now that his position was threatened.
But all he did was nod .

"Ah okay" he said quietly.
Jin squeezed his arm beneath the table.

The rest of the break, Yoongi watched how Taehyung dealed  with the situation. Mika and Yoonji were talkibg about the upcoming evening, Mika way more excited than Yoonji herself.
Jimin showed up shortly before the bell rang.
Yoongi almost fainted at the smile he gave  him.

They left the cafeteria as a group, Jimin and Yoongi at the very end.

"Wanna meet up later?" Jimin whispered, his lips brushing against Yoongi's ear which made him shiver slightly.
"I can't" he whispered back.

He sighed and took Jimin's hand out of reflex.
"I've  a test tomorrow and you would only disract me"

Jimin pouted  before pinching Yoongis side.
"Don't act like you don't enjoy it tho"

Yoongi giggled, blushing heavily.

"Yeah ... you're right"
Jimins thumb caressed the back of Yoongi's hand and they both smiled goofily as they followed their little group of friends.

Mika slightly turned her head and subtly hold up a thumb at them both.
Jimin blinked a little confused.
Mika focused on her conversation with Taehyung and Jin again and turned away.

"She knows" Yoongi whispered as an explanation.

"Our one and only supporter" Jimin chuckled.

"Ahh... I bet she told Hoseok" Yoongi slightly let their hands swing while they walked.

I need a loyal and supportive girl like Mika in my life. Lowkey jealous of Hoseok that he has such an amazing girlfriend.

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