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Jimin watched Jin as he washed the dishes. They just had dinner at Jins place. Jimin, Taehyung and Namjoon , Jin's boyfriend.
Both Taehyung and Jimin didn't anticipate for his presence but there was really nothing they could do about it.
Namjoon wasn't taking part in their conversation anyway so neither of them really cared.

"Taehyung, you could've just asked her out first, you know that"
Jin held up a plate and pointed at the devastated boy.

"Yeah but you can still hope that the date was terrible tho" Jimin added.

Taehyung sighed.

"Jimin I thought you liked her too? I thought you would be upset."

Jimin shrugged.
"I don't like her that way man. I never did"

Taehyung narrowed his ayes at his best friend. Then collapsed onto the table and sighed again.
"What have I done to deserve this?"

"Don't act like Yoonji is the only pretty girl out there" Jin said, a little harsh now. Taehyung had been crying about it for hours and slowly he was tired off all the complaining.

"Or you could fight for her?" All heads turned to Namjoon that put his phone away and smiled. Jimin noticed something that made him smile back, less terrified of the older male. Ironic how such a tough guy with tattoos that also rides a motorcycle had dimples. It made him look less dangerous.

"What do you mean?" Taehyungs face was still glued to the table so his voice sounded muffled.

"Yah!" Jin smacked the back of his head with his wet hands.
"If you drool on that table I swear I will cut you"

Taehyung groaned and sat up straight.

"I mean, you could fight for her love? Isn't that something all the men in the dramas do? Wouldn't she melt if you did something that romantic?"
Namjoon chuckled and scratched the back of his head, carefully glancing over at Jin before adding:"Or you could literally just beat him up"

Jin gasped for air.
"No you will not beat him up. That won't solve anything. Yoonji won't fall for an asshole-"

"Maybe that's what she likes tho" Jimin whispered, suppressing his laughter.

Taehyung rolled his eyes.
"Beating him up sounds like a good idea"

"Nooo" Jin whined.

"Jungkook looks like a marshmallow anyway, shouldn't be that hard..." Taehyung mumbled after receiving another smack to his head.

"Kim Taehyung-" Jin started.

"Fine fine, I won't. But if he starts getting on my nerves I will give him what he deserves"

The next morning Jimin was on his way to school. Alone. Taehyung decided to skip first period. So Jimin left earlier and was now walking through the rather cold morning, hiding part of his face under his scarf.
It got cold pretty quickly.
He was so distracted by his thoughts about random stuff that only after five minutes he noticed who was walking in front of him.
He catched up to his Yoongi and Yoonji.

"Heyy-" he cheered.

They both turned and Yoongi's expression turned from tired to extremely happy.
His cheeks and nose were red from the cold temperature. He smiled so widely his teeth were showing.
Jimin had to keep himself from wrapping that precious boy into his arms and smooching his whole face.
Yoonji smiled at him , her cheeks as red as Yoongis.

"Hey Jimin" She replied.

Oh somebody is in a good mood today.

They continued walking. Jimin sneakily grabbed Yoongis hand.
They were walking in a row so Yoonji couldn't see it anyway.

"I can't believe he did that!" Mika yelled and hysterically shook Yoonji shoulders.
Both girls were giggling as if they were drunk.
Yoongi,Hoseok, Jin, Jimin and Taehyung all just shared indignant glances.

They had no idea what Jungkook even did because after their loud giggling they started whispering again.
"That's fucking ridiculous" Jimin mumbled.

Taehyung was just staring at his plate, maiming his salad with his fork. Jimin could tell he was mad. He just hoped he wouldn't let it out on Jungkook.
The lover-boy was nowhere around.
Jimin hoped he wouldn't show up at all.
"Uhm Mika.." Hoseok started but cut off by another shower of giggling.


The girls stopped and realised how old they have been the entire time.
Yoonji brushed her hair back, a red blush appearing on her cheeks.
Mika raised an eyebrow at Hoseok.

"Mrs Gyeon asked us to come earlier to art class today since we have to finish some projects... remember"

"Ah yes I know" She said ,rubbing her temples.

Jimin bit his lip and slowly let go of Yoongi's hand under the table, since he knew Yoongi was in the same art course as these two.

Mika started packing her stuff and Yoongi slowly stood up.
But before leaving their table Yoongi suddenly turned and leaned over. He grabbed Jimins shoulder and pressed his lip onto his. Jimin, completely dazed by the feeling of those soft lips on his, at first didn't realised what was happening.
Yoongi pulled away and as he did, his eyes widened.
They both realised what just happened but all they did was stare at each other.
Yoongi quickly scooted back. His heart was beating in his throat. He was about to panic. Mika saw the terror in his eyes and acted immediately.
The whole table stared at them, Jin's jaw has dropped and Yoonji almost pocked herself with her fork.

"Uh yeah- bye Jimin" Mika suddenly yelled and pulled him into a kiss aswell.
Jimin blinked heavily, she made a loud smacking sound as she released his lips.
She stumbled back and then Hoseok reached over and grabbed him by the collar to kiss him aswell.

"See you later Jimin" Hoseok yelled as awkwardly as Mika did and pulled his girlfriend and Yoongi out of the cafeteria.

The rest of his friends stared at Jimin. He awkwardly cleared his throat and moved around , trying to sit comfortable again.

It took them a while to progress what just happened.
Taehyung looked totally distraught.

"What the fuck, Jimin?"

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