Marluxia's Pink Hair

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It was a nice evening in the Castle That Never Was. Most of the members hang out in the Grey Area. Luxord (surprisingly not drunk!),bored having no one to play with(since most members accused him for cheating), suggested the members in the current room to play a game called ‘Truth or Dare’,in which Xigbar,Marluxia,Axel,Demyx and Saix joined in out of boredom and gathered around a table. (arrangement from Luxord to Xigbar; Luxord,Marluxia,Saix,Axel, Demyx,Xigbar)

Luxord grabbed a random bottle and spinned it on the table. The mouth of the bottle pointed towards Saix,who didn’t look very pleased.

“So,truth,or dare?” Luxord asked

The others looked towards saix,who looks like he’s in deep thought. At last,he decided, “fine,truth”

Luxord thinked for a moment then asked,”what would you like to do to Xigbar when you knew he caused you to become a puppy every fullmoon,if you’re allowed to?”

“Do you still have to ask? I’d definitely rip his head off his neck”, Saix growled while Xigbar gulped

“alright,your turn to spin”,Luxord said as he handed the bottle to Saix. He spinned the bottle rather quickly that it took longer time for it to stop than Luxord’s. after a minute or so,it stopped and points towards Axel,who instantly picked dare. Saix grinned evilly and whispered to Axel,”dare ya to give II a ‘boot to the face’”. “that would be an easy task” Axel stood up and went behind said person(err…Nobody). Axel poked the Freeshooter’s head,and when he turned around,the Flurry of Dancing Flames gave the ‘boot to the face’(more like kick to the face) to Xigbar,who then fell to the table behind him. Everyone laughed,including Xaldin who decided just to watch them play. “damn puppy…damn pyro…” Xigbar muttered as he got up and sat back to the couch he’s sitting on before. After everyone had stopped laughing(except for Marluxia who’s still laughing his ass off), Axel went and spinned the bottle,this time landing on Marluxia who’s now had stopped laughing. “truth or dare,flowerboy?” “truth”,Marluxia answered. “ok then…are you serious when you said you’re obsessed with the colour pink?”

“…” Marluxia just stared at Axel,”what if I am?got a problem with it?”

“sort of. I mean,everywhere you went,there’s always pink leaf floating nearby. Not to mention,your weapon had a pink colour on it” IX said

“that’s not pink leaf,IX. Its called rose petals. And if you don’t believe I’m obsessed, then go away” brown-haired man answered

“then prove it to us” Xigbar said. “what?” Marly asked

“prove to us that you’re really a fan of the colour pink” Xigbar snickered

“excuse me?”

“what?you can’t prove it?”

“are you challenging me to do it?”

“yes,duh! If you can’t do it,then you must say that pink is an awful and eye-blinding colour”

“like you said,AS IF! I won’t back off that easily. You just see,Freeshooter,I’ll prove to you pink isn’t that bad of a colour! You just see later!” the Graceful Assassin shouted as he rushed out of the room.

“heheheh…as I thought,you’ll say that”,the Freeshooter laughed as he portaled to somewhere else in the castle

“so…want to continue?” Luxord asked

“I want to see what will happen next…I’m out!” Axel said as he portaled

“me too!” Demyx shouted as he portaled

Luxord sighed,”how about a game of poker,VII?”. But,Saix portaled without giving any answer to Luxord.

“How about you,Xaldin?”,but xaldin,too,portaled,leaving Luxord alone in the room

Later that night in the Grey Area,everyone,including the superior,are ‘surprised’ to see XI’s new appearance.

“looks like you decided to dye your hair pink,huh,Marly?” Demyx asked

“you really want to dye your hair pink?” Axel asked

“don’t worry,the dye’s only temporary. It’ll be back to normal by tomorrow. Now where’s II?” Marluxia,who’s hair now pink,asked in return

“heh,I see you dyed your hair” Xigbar said,upside down on the ceiling.

“does this proof enough for you?”

“pretty much,yes. You gonna stay like that?”

“no. the dye’s temporary”

“you sure?you better check the dye bottle again,Pinky”

The Graceful Assassin,suspicious of what the Freeshooter said,almost immediately portaled to his room’s bathroom. What he saw in the bottle wasn’t what he expected. To his horor,on the bottle of pink dye, clearly written;


Pink Rose


The angry screams of a certain pink-haired Nobody could be heard throughout the whole castle, while on certain eyepatched Nobody’s room,the Freeshooter was chuckling evilly,proud of another of his successful pranks.

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