Roxas's Hairspray Problem

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No one’s P.O.V

XIII in his bathroom in the morning, after taking a bath and other things peoples usually do in the morning. He was about to take his hairspray, when he noticed the bottle missing from its usual spot.

“what the…”

He thought for a moment, ‘someone must’ve stolen my hairspray.. but who?’

He went into the other member’s bathroom, but after making sure no one’s inside, of course. He found two of the member’s bathrooms lacking any hairspray or hairgel. The two bathrooms are VIII’s and IX’s.

‘I’ll make sure to confront them later in the Grey Area…’ Roxas clenches his fist ‘anyone who stole my hairspray will pay!’

Later in the Grey Area…

“They what?!” Roxas exclaimed

“both of them have gone to their missions. Although, I admit they’re looking…strange today..” Saix said, not caring about Roxas’ unusually flat hair

“strange? how-“

“anyways. Your mission. Halloween Town. Defeat heartless”

“fine…” then XIII portaled to his destination

In Halloween Town…

“grr…stupid Axel…stupid Demyx….” He summoned his keyblade as heartless appeared

“if I found out who stole my hairspray,” he charged to the heartless

“THEY’LL SUFFER!!!” he shouted as he slashed a few heartless dead.

And somehow,(flat-haired) Roxas managed to complete his mission earlier than usual.

In one of the long hallways…

“Luxord.. do you by any chance know where is Axel? Or Demyx?”

“VIII is in the kitchen while IX is in his room. What happened to your hair, mate?”

“someone stole my hairspray” Roxas answered as he ran off to the kitchen.

In the Kitchen.. That Never Was…

“AXEL!!! GIVE BACK MY HAIR—“ Roxas saw Axel, “spray….what’s up with your hair? Its-“

“flat, I know. I ran out of hairgel. I was about to take yours but its already empty”

Roxas glared at (flat-haired) Axel, “you’re about to take what?!”

“hey! But I didn’t take it!”

“ok fine. The that means Demyx stole it” Roxas portaled to Demyx’s room

In the Melodious Nocturne’s room…

Roxas slammed the door open, only to find no one in the room. He ran to the Grey Area, not bothering to close the door.

In Grey Area…

Demyx in the couch playing his sitar, as usual. Saix near the window holding a clipboard, Zexion and Xigbar playing twister, Xaldin on one of the other couch eating nachos. Things went on quite peacefully, when-

Roxas ran into the room, shouting, “DEMYX!!”

Zexion, in surprise, fell on top of Xigbar

“hey, not cool, dude!” Xigbar complained, getting up from the twister mat

Roxas took a deep breath, and said, “I’ll try to sound as calm as possible…” Roxas pointed to Demyx, “YOU. GIVE BACK MY HAIRSPRAY. NAO!!”

Larxene suddenly appeared, tape in hand, taping the current scene

Demyx laughed nervously, “eheheheh….what?”

“admit it. You stole my hairspray, right?”

“well, I’ve used all my hairgel, but my hair still looks messy, so—“


Demyx gulped, “err….yes?”

Roxas went silent for a few seconds, before summoning his keyblade

Demyx stood up, and dismissed his sitar

Roxas pointed his keyblade to Demyx, “I’ll give you 3 seconds to run”





The nocturne’s eyes widen


“Meep!! RUN RUN AWAY!!!” Demyx took off running out of the Grey Area

“You’ll pay!!!” Roxas ran, chasing after Demyx

Larxene, still taping, followed closely behind them.

It took a good few hours for things to settle down, every members had gone to sleep.

Meanwhile, in one of the longest hallways, IX was pinned to one of the walls, upside down 10 feet from the floor,

“hello? anyone here? Can someone get me off this wall? Anyone??”

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