As the days progressed, Azeema gradually got used to boarding life. Being used to keeping to herself, she initially found it difficult to socialize with her fellow students but with time, she started mingling with some of them. Life became a lot better than before, all thanks to her still-unnamed sponsor.
The day was a Monday. The smartly-dressed Introductory Technology teacher stood confidently as she elaborated on the topic – 'TECHNOLOGICAL APPLIANCES'.
"Technology has simplified our lives in many ways, especially in the form of modern technological appliances..." the pretty female teacher was saying as the students listened with rapt attention.
"...when you look around your homes you see appliances such as air conditioners, refrigerators, vacuum cleaners, etc..."
Azeema shifted in her seat. The only place where she saw such appliances was in her textbooks. Nevertheless, she shook off such depressing thoughts and tried to concentrate on the lesson.
"Technological appliances have also made our relaxation times more enjoyable through television sets, stereo sets, video games, phones, computers, and so many others..."
A sigh escaped Azeema's mouth. She remembered that back at her granny's home, she neither had relaxation time nor such devices. As the teacher's voice droned on, her own mind took the liberty of going on a journey of its own. It didn't take long for her to be submerged in deep thought and she almost flinched as a hand lightly tapped her shoulder some minutes later.
"Are you okay?" came the voice of her only friend, Bilqees Marzuq.
Her friend's voice quickly jolted her back to reality. To her surprise, she noticed that the teacher had already left the class and it was time for siesta. She just nodded her head at her inquisitive friend and together, they made their way to the dormitory.
However, behind them, their classmates were busy talking about the previous lesson. To them it was really interesting and they couldn't stop talking about it. Azeema winced slightly as she heard them boasting about their phones, laptops and iPads. Beside her, Bilqees, conscious of her friend's mood, kept quiet even though she also had plenty to boast about.
At the dormitory, Azeema headed straight to her bunk which was below Bilqees's. Her eyes smarted and she quickly slumped down on the bed to hide the tell-tale tears in her pillow. Minutes later, she fell asleep, leaving Bilqees and the others whispering about their very own 'Technological Appliances'.
Azeema's life at the boarding school, even though difficult at times, was far more bearable than the life she led in her granny's home. However, the most trying periods she endured were when she was reminded, either intentionally or unintentionally, of her low position on the social ladder.
Even at Queens' College, segregation based on social position was apparent. Bilqees (a.k.a The Queen Bee) was on the highest rung of the social ladder by virtue of her status as a minister's daughter and the daughter of the P.T.A chairperson, while Azeema was on the bottom rung. However, to everybody's surprise, Bilqees clung to Azeema and made her a close friend of hers. Tongues wagged but nobody was bold enough to confront the Queen Bee on her obvious wrong choice of a friend.
Therefore, her status as the Queen Bee's friend made Azeema's life a bit bearable, though the other snubs taunted her behind Bilqees's back and only pretended to be nice in Her Majesty's presence. Even Azeema didn't know the reason for Bilqees's kindness to her, she played along and was soon on her path to becoming a classy lady like the Silver-Spooned Bilqees.
As the first term drew to an end, Azeema dreaded returning home for the holidays. Having tasted how it felt to actually enjoy free time and be free from endless chores, she certainly didn't fancy going back to her old life, even if it was just for a month.
Unknown to her, she needn't have worried herself sick about an impending month-long fall from Grace to Grass. Towards the end of the term, certain unexpected events were to unfold to change the course of her life forever.
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By the way, quick note to teachers: Try not to always generalize when teaching, students can be sensitive sometimes.
Shirk in Disguise
SpiritualShirk - a term mostly identified as polytheism, but also used to describe evasion of responsibility or obtaining through trickery. Shirk in Disguise is a tale of Reality and Illusion, the Superficial and the Substantial, side by side; the story of...