Halloween Special

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There was gonna be a full moon out during the night. Campers were scared yet excited to see what would happen. Will on the other hand, was in his cabin. He locked up all the doors and windows. His siblings were begging for him to open up, even Chiron was trying to get him out. Will couldn't. His inner beast was coming out, it gets worst each minute. It's even worse during a full moon. Will was clawing at his hair, gripping and thrashing.

He was starting to grow cracks in his skin. He goes over to the bathroom and looks in the mirror. Cracks were growing on his forehead and cheeks. One in particular, was growing down toward his left eye. More cracks were forming until each one connected in the center of his left eye, and then it cracks. It starts to throb. He lets out a scream of pang. The banging on the cabin door grows louder. "WILL!!! WHAT'S GOING ON?!?! OPEN THE DOOR RIGHT NOW!!!" "WILL!!! COME ON!!! IT'S ME!! KAYLA!!!!" "WILL!! THIS IS CHIRON SPEAKING!!!! I DEMAND YOU OPEN THIS DOOR RIGHT NOW!!!"

Will looks back up at the mirror to see he had no left eye. In fact, he had no eye in the socket at all. A glowing yellow light was in it. The cracks that lead to his eye may have caused that. More cracks begin to form, some even cracking to which light would fill in. Will was terrified. What was he? He's never been so terrified in his life. He backs away from the mirror. He looks at the back of his hand to see cracks forming too. He rushed out the back door and goes over to the Hades Cabin. He knocks on Nico's door.

"NICO!!! NICO!!! LET ME IN!!!" No respond. Will goes behind the cabin and breaks in through a window. He looks around the room. It was dark, the only light source was the light in his skin cracks. He hears heavy breathing and walks towards it. He sees a figure, it's back was facing towards him. It turns around and launches at Will. It was Nico. He had red demon eyes and sharp teeth with pointy ears. His tongue was snake-like and he had long, skinny and sharp fingers. His wings flapped violently. Nico was a demon.

When Nico realized who it is, he backs away. He apologizes over and over again. Will lays a hand on his shoulder. "It's okay, Nico. But, do you know what's going on?" Nico's eyes brighten to a red, crimson red. "It seems as if both you and me are infected." Will splutters. "In-infected?" Nico nods. "It's called Full Moon Syndrome. Meaning, when it's near a full moon-especially during Halloween-we turn into beasts. For some odd reason, this year seems to be the most painful."

Will looks at the cracks in his arm. "What kind of beast am I?" "A Light Beast. Those are pretty rare(I'm just making this up)." "What do Light Beasts do?" Nico looks down at the ground. "They have the ability of photokinesis, can manipulate light, and can pretty much light-travel. Kinda like shadow-traveling, but with light." Will nods his head. "Do you know anyone else that has Full Moon Syndrome?"

Nico nods his head. "Hazel and Frank, I'm pretty sure there are more people that have Full Moon Syndrome, but Hazel and Frank are all I know. Hazel grows gems, gold, and all that stuff out of her. She even has one that sticks right out of her right eye, and it bleeds. Frank's half is human while the other half is a bear." Will felt a chill go down his spine. "We should probably get out of camp, it's to dangerous." Nico nods. "Who knows what we're gonna do during a full moon, we tend to forget who we are and do evil shit."

Nico flies up, grabbing Will by both his arms and smashes through the ceiling, flying off. "Where are we gonna go though?" "Lets go to Camp Jupiter, we can go find Hazel and Frank. "Will felt his insides boil. He felt an urge tendency to rip someone apart. "Hang on Will, we're gonna be there soon. I can feel your inner beast start to come out. And by the way, what happened to your eye?" "Cracks were growing around it and they collided with my eye which then cracked my eye open or something." Nico's skinny, sharp fingers tighten around Will's arms.

Will felt a crack on his hip. He was really cracking up. When they got to Camp Jupiter, Nico put Will on the ground and Nico flies beside him. "We should go find them now-" An Iris-Message pops up in front of them, Rachel was at the end. The cabins and trees were on fire behind her. "Will!! Nico!! We're sorry to disturb you, but the Apollo campers are wondering where you are!! Leo had gone insane and literally started shooting fire at people!!! He looks like he just came from a pit of fire!!! They need you at the infirmary, Will!!!"

Rachel's eyes widen when she saw how Nico and Will looked. "You guys have Full Moon Syndrome too?!" Nico nods his head. "We had to get out of camp, otherwise we would have hurt someone." Will looks at Nico, then back at Rachel. Chiron appears behind her and says something to her, she nods her head. "I'll see you guys later, Chiron needs me to-" Before she can finish, a ball of fire comes towards her to which she dodges. The ball of fire hits the Iris-Message, causing it to hang-up.

Nico's eyes darken. "How can we stop Leo?" Will shrugs his shoulders. He opens his mouth, but before he can say anything, a sharp ruby comes straight at him to which he dodged at. Hazel falls from a tree, landing on her feet, while Frank comes out of the bushes, his bear eye red while he starts growling. "Looks as if they've gone insane too." Nico nods his head in agreement. "What should we do?"

Will's cracked eye starts to throb. "Shit!" Nico looks over to him worryingly. "What's the matter?" "My cracked eye-" "AAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGG!!!" "NICO!!! WATCH OUT!!!" Nico swerves to the side before Frank can rip him to shreds. Nico flies over to Will and picks him up by the arms. "We need to get out of here! Stat!" Nico flies up, zooming across the camp. He flies into the shadows and shadow-travels them to Camp Half-Blood.

Everything was on fire or near ruins. Nico drops Will on the ground and Will lands on his feet. He saw Leo. Leo had fire surrounding him. His eyes were red with fire flaring at the corner of his eyes. He had an evil grin and was throwing fire balls into different places. Will felt... Proud that Leo was doing this? That's when Will realized his inner beast was gonna come out soon, before he can turn around to look at Nico, a pair of skinny, sharp fingers dug into his shoulders.

He was pushed down onto the ground while the beast was pinning him down. Will looks over his shoulder to see that the beast was Nico. It seems as if Nico's inner beast had come out. Will starts to wrestle with Nico. Nico raised his claws up and was about to claw Will until Will used light from his skin cracks and shot them at one of Nico's wings which caused them to sizzle off of him.

Nico lets out a loud, shrilling scream. Will saw the opportunity and kicked Nico on the chest, causing him to tumble back. Will stands up and runs over to Nico, knocking him out.

Will lets out a sigh. "This is getting serious-" A fire ball shoots at him. Will clutches his arm, gnashing his teeth in pain. He lets out a hiss. Will looks around and sees Percy trying to extinguish Leo out. But whatever Percy was trying to do, Leo was immune. Will felt his left eye throb again. He couldn't hold it in...

He had to let it out... Will grits his teeth and his cracks opened up. He lets out a scream. Will's left eye starts to grow brighter. Light starts to swarm around him. His inner beast was free. He lets out a cackled laugh. Before he can do any damage to the camp, two arms wrap around his torso. Will felt calmer... Like he has found peace. Will felt his cracks healing up. He blinks and his eye returns.

Will looks back to Nico. "Is it... Over?" "Yes, Will. It has hit one o-clock." Will turns around and returns the embrace. "I love you, Nico." Nico nods. "I love you too."

{A/N}: This wasn't scary and all, but hey! At least it was cute! And weird...

I questioned myself while writing this.

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