Chapter 3

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Starving. Tired, dirty.

It must be night now cause the sun no longer shines through the dusty window. I've had nothing to eat since that little plate in the morning.

I was so tired cause I didn't dare sleep cause I needed to watch my back for danger.

Clearly I needed escape. I looked towards the slot that carried in food. it had a lock that was towards me. Grateful for the hairclip I wore, I took it out and put it in the lock. Wiggled it like in the movies and bingo. It worked.

Now the slot was small. Thankful for my small height I glanced one last time around the attic and slid into the slot.


I come into a semi-lighted room. I'm on the second floor to a well worn house. Abandoned it seems. I creep quietly wishing to have protection.

I go down the stairs and trip and fall cause one stair gave out. I land on a carpet made out of camel hair.

I find the kitchen and go for the fridge. Opening it I find its empty. All pantries and drawers turn up nothing. I really wanted to change, but no clothes were at my disposal.

Beside the fridge I find a phone. I dial for mom. Nothing. Dad. Nothing. Even viv. Nothing. The phone definitely worked but they just didn't pick up. I call Connor, but hang up remembering our break-up. The only people left to call were Natasha and Zoe. 

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