Chapter Twenty-Nine

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***trigger warning***

I can confidently say this is the happiest I have seen Sebastian in a long time. And I can't place why. I'm currently sitting on the living room couch with Stephanie, watching a rerun of Rugrats. I've never seen it before now, but I like it. Very very much. 

Emerson walks down the stairs in a white button down and black jeans. "I have a date. Love you, Lottie, see you later. I'll be home before the sun comes up." And just like that...he's out the door. 

"I didn't know Emerson was dating anyone."

"Yeah...her name is Shy. They've been going out for about a year. They're really gross. Emerson is all over her all the time." I grimace. "'s disgusting." 

Sebastian appears behind the two of us, kissing Stephanie and then the top of my head. "I'm going to Universal with Tree. I promise to be home by midnight." He kisses my temple. "I love you so much," My heart skips a beat, and I repeat the words back to him. Seb kisses Stephanie once more before heading out the door. I sigh. 

"Hey, baby?" I look up at Stephanie and hum. "Why don't you go see Remmi for a second?" I nod and smile.

"Okay!" I run upstairs. However, my feet stop when I reach Remington's door. Crying. Loud, guttural cries. Sobs. My heart drops into my feet. Behind the door, he screams out. I rush inside without thinking what could be behind the door. 

It's a near murder scene.

Remington is nothing more than a crumpled heap on the ground. His chest is touching his knees, and he's sobbing so hard he can barely breathe. It's only when I take a step I see what he's clutching in his right hand. A small, silver object no bigger than two fingers. A double sided razor blade. I freeze, and watch right in front of me as he draws a line across his wrist. It joins the pool of gushing blood gathering on the carpet. I snap back into it with one more scream from Remington. 

I rush to his collapsed body, pushing him onto his back and throwing the blade from his hand with force. His eyes are wide, breathing erratic as I shout for Stephanie. I grab a rouge shirt from his floor, blotting the cuts and the blood coming from them. "Stephanie!" I holler. Remington screams out in pain, legs jerking up in hurt. "I'm so sorry," I say, tears starting to pour from my eyes. 

"M-M-My," He can barely form words, and I hush him. 

"Get me the first aid kit!" I yell as Stephanie opens the door. He won't need stitches, I can tell that much just by looking at the wounds. I can take care of him here. I remember how horrified Remington was when he had to go in for the beating. I won't subject him to that again unless it is entirely necessary. 

I sit him up against the wall as Stephanie returns. I tuck a towel underneath his arm to save the carpet...or attempt to. "I've got you," I say as I take his hand. "This isn't gonna hurt. It  might feel a little weird...but it's not gonna hurt." His hand jerks forward as I move the bottle of Hydrogen Peroxide toward his wounds. "You trust me, right?" Remington nods, eyes wide. "I'm not gonna hurt you. Hold still and you'll be fine." I watch him take a deep breath, and that's when I pour. He flinches back; not because of it hurts but because it's cold and probably scared him. I grab a washcloth from Steph and start applying pressure to his cuts. "We're talking when this is it?" He sighs and nods. 

Remington's cuts stop bleeding shortly after I pour a thin layer of water over them. They're still fresh and open, but he doesn't need to go to the hospital. Which is amazing. I think I caught him in time...before he could do anything worse. I grab a roll of gauze and carefully, but securely wrap his arm before covering the layers of white mesh with an ace bandage. I make sure he can move his fingers and that it's not too tight. I take ahold of his right hand and pull him to his feet. Remington stumbles and scatters about, but I keep his hand in mine and keep him sturdy. 

"Please don't," He barely whispers to me. I raise an eyebrow. "I...I'm s-sorry. Don't make me go to the...the....the h-hospital." 

"I'm not gonna. C'mon; let's get you downstairs and fix you up." I put my arm around Remington and his around my shoulders. Stephanie does the same on the opposite side. His feet don't even touch the ground as we carry him down the stairs. It brings with it some struggle, but we make it. The two of us carefully lower his body onto the beige couch. I stay with him as Stephanie gets Gatorade and crackers for him. Remington pushes her hands away.

"No," He says directly. "No, Stephanie,"

"Why not? You need to get your electrolytes up and get something in your stomach." She sets them in his lap, only to have them crash to the ground. 

"I don't want it."

"For me. Remmi, please. If you love me you'll do this. I hate seeing you like this."

"Only cause I love you..." He says, taking a swig of the red drink. Remington grimaces.

"Can one of them come home?" Stephanie sighs and shakes her head.

"Emerson's fucking up a storm and Seb's with Tree. He won't hear us," I groan. Remington's eyes go big as he takes a bite of a cracker.

"Don't worry," I say to him, putting my hand on his shoulder. "I love you,"

"I love you, too, Lottie."

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