Ella - 16/06/2017

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OMFG IT'S AN UPDATE AUTHOR CHAN ISN'T DEAD (at least on the outside)

How much do ya'll hate me for not updating for ages

It's okay I'll accept abuse


Once you step through the door, you enter a similar place to the area you were just in, your 'consciousness' or whatever it was.

The only difference here is that the floor is black like ink and dark branch like shapes are climbing up the walls, threatening to shroud the room in complete and utter emptiness.

Far away, in the corner of the room, you notice Ella, you smile and are about to say 'hello again' when she lifts her finger to her mouth, a solemn gaze on her face as she silences you.

She points to the front of the room, still not making a single sound.

Following her direction to where she wants you to look, you notice another girl, she wears a school uniform similar to yours and her hair is pitch black, running all the way down to her knees, where it intertwines with the blackness that has wrapped itself securely around her legs.

What she is looking at, you are unsure of, but she's clearly concentrated on something which is keeping her faced away from you. Being careful to make as little noise as possible, you walk over to Ella, the dark smoke disappearing to show the white floor whenever you put your foot down. However, returning as soon as your foot leaves the ground once again.

Ella notices this and stares in awe at every footstep you take, smiling as you get closer.

When you reach her, you lower your voice to a whisper, until you're barely audible at all, and ask her what's going on.

"That's the girl," she mutters, keeping her voice as low as possible, "she must be the one who put the curse on Jimin, and caused us to end up like this, she's only here right now because my body is sleeping"

Your expression shifts to a glare as you look over towards the mysterious girl once again, still focused on whatever she's doing, you then notice a control panel like structure in front of her, full of buttons and switches and screens.

Ella notices what you're staring at and her face changes, an idea clearly forming in her mind.

"That control panel you see, it controls our minds, it controls us, don't ask how, it's only been here since the curse hit me, I've only been close to it a few times, it should be able to help you however," she smiles, ready to put her full faith in you, "there should be a screen, that says 'memories' above it, type in 02/04/2017 then press the red button right next to the screen, do it quick, I won't be able to cover you and distract her for very long"

"Cover me?" You ask, confused about how the demon girl won't see you.

"Hey, I still have some control over my mind," she winks, nodding at you before she shouts, "HEY BITCH WHY DON'T YOU GET OVER HERE SO I CAN FINALLY BASH YOUR FUCKING HEAD IN?!"

You laugh slightly before going silent as the girl turns around, revealing blood red eyes and pale white skin, her expression full of anger and frustration.

Freezing up, you wait for her to come over and do something terrible like hurt you, or even kill you, but instead, she storms right past you, as if you aren't even there, and up to Ella, shouting at her.

Out of the corner of your eye, you spot Ella gesture for you to go before she continues yelling at the terrifying girl.

Deciding to just 'fuck it', you rush over to the control panel and do as the blonde girl told you, once you've typed in the correct date you slam your fist down on the button, you notice your vision start to go black, just before you collapse, you see the succubus staring at you with furious, confused eyes.

Ella's P.O.V

"Hah, fuck you bitch..." I proudly spit out at Paige, well, that's the name she goes by anyway, as I watch Y/N fade away.

"Who was that?! What did you do?!" Paige shouts back at me, her eyes glowing like hot iron.

"She's gonna ruin everything, she's gonna tear you down and there's nothing you can fucking do about it-" I get cut off as she raises her hand as if to slap me, before hesitating, and lowering it, a mix of emotions in her eyes.

"You... you are so gonna pay for whatever you're fucking up to... I swear on it..."


Small update I know but update never the less

There might be another one in a minute anyway probs

K luv ya lol bai

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