Ella - 02/04/2017

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Slowly opening your eyes, you're greeted by an unfamiliar bedroom and a terrible headache, was that all a dream? No, it can't have been, it was too real. Besides, this isn't your bedroom, where are you?

You sit up and stretch, looking around you and studying your surroundings, before you notice a weird sensation in your legs, kind of similar to pins and needles, you're about to pull the covers back and try to restore feeling to them when,

"Ella!" You hear a woman shouting from downstairs, "wake up honey you're going to be late for school!"



Quickly stumbling out of your bed, your legs almost giving way beneath you as you do so, you rush over to the nearby mirror. Your eyes widen as you attempt to understand and take in who it is staring back at you.

"Ella what's going on are you okay?!" The dirty blonde haired woman almost yells as she runs upstairs and opens the door to the bedroom after hearing you scream at the top of your lungs.

"W-what?" You say, as you look between her and the mirror, your face having gone pale, or should you say, Ella's face having gone pale.

Yep, in the reflection you don't see your normal self, with your h/c hair or your e/c eyes, you see Ella, the same Ella you saw just moments ago.

"Y-yeah," you quietly stutter out, "I just had a bad dream, it's over now though so it's fine," was the lie you told Ella's mum in order to arouse less suspicion as you continued to attempt to wrap your head around what was going on.

"Okay hunny," she slightly smiles, "just make sure you get to school on time, you know how your dad will get if you're late again.." she looks at the ground as she says that last line, before leaving you in peace and returning downstairs.

Once she is gone, you look back at the mirror, slowly bringing your hand to your face, trying to make sure what you see is indeed real. Taking deep breaths, you eventually recall what Ella had told you, you'll have to rewrite the past, by controlling the girls emotions and saving them.

You had no idea this is what she meant.

But oh well, if this is the only way to save Jimin, it must be done.

"Best get changed then.." You say aloud, your own, new voice throwing you off slightly, before going to find clothes. If you said it didn't feel a little awkward rummaging through someone else's clothes, you'd be lying, but hey, sacrifices must be made.

After arriving at school, you wrack your brain trying to think of the people Ella was friends with, but luckily,

"Hey Ella!!!!" A very loud voice shouts from behind you, making you jump slightly as you turn around only to be greeted with a hug.

"H-hi!!" You reply, as ethusiastically as you can muster, shyly hugging the mysterious girl back.

Eventually, the girl, who you now recognise to be Sophie, one of the popular kids obviously, let's go of you and drags you along with her as she talks, rather quickly, about, what you're assuming to be, a party.

Nodding along like a lost puppy for the majority of the convo, you manage to escape while she isn't paying attention to you, and hastily make your way to where you know Jimin and his friends usually meet up before lesson starts.

Spotting Yoongi and Hoseok, you begin to walk quicker, ready to hug the ever loving crap out of Jimin, however, you begin to slow down when you realise Yoongi has noticed you and is looking in your direction very confusedly.

Sadness fills your chest once you've turned a corner, sheltering yourself from their judgeful view, trying to come to terms with the fact that you aren't actually friends with them anymore, you're just Ella, someone who goes to their school.

A lesson later, when you're sat with your 'friends' for break, something comes to mind, surely this day is important, why else would you have started your mission on this day? Surely this is the day that Jimins crush on you begins, therefore you should be able to spend time with him soon right?

"Ella? Hellooo?" Jack says, waving his hand in front of your face to bring you back to earth.

"Hm? Yeah?" You look up at him, blinking a few times before smiling.

"You've been really different today, like not like yourself..."

"I guess I have, maybe you should remind me of how I normally act," you laugh a little bit, causing the others to laugh and begin talking about you and how you normally are, you're sure to make a mental note of everything they're saying.

Throughout the day, you spend your time trying to act like Ella, trying to talk like Ella, trying to work like Ella, just trying to be Ella. If this is going to work, it has to be believable.

"Yeah I'll see you guys later, bye!" You wave goodbye to your new friends before making your way to your locker. Once there you begin to gather your stuff, but stop, upon feeling as though someone is watching you.

Turning your head to the left, you see no other than Park Jimin a few lockers away staring at you with awe in his eyes. Not entirely sure how Ella acted when this actually happened, you just smile at him and wave goodbye when he leaves in a rush.

It sucks that you couldn't just walk over and hug him.

Despite the urge within you to chase after him, you make your way back to Ellas house, getting slightly lost on the way back of course.

"Mum, I'm home!" You call once you step inside the unfamiliar house, "Mum?"

After not receiving a reply for a few minutes, you realise there's shouting coming from upstairs. Curiosity taking over you, you make your way towards the loud noise.

Upon closer inspection, the person doing the most shouting is a, clearly drink inflicted, male, who you're assuming is Ellas dad.

Unsure of what you should do, you peer into the room of the fighting, at a very bad time. Almost instantly after you begin watching the argument, Ellas dad lashes out and hits her mum, leaving you in complete shock.

"What are you looking at?!" The man suddenly turns to you and shouts, causing you to quickly run off into Ellas room, shutting the door behind you before hearing a 'leave her alone!' followed by footsteps walking across the hallway.

Is this something Ella goes through all the time? Did you being here cause this to happen? What's going on? The questions in your mind combined with the fear of what might happen to you almost overload you, but then a thought occurs to you,

Jimin, think of Jimin, he needs you, if this is what you have to go through, if you have to suffer in order to save him, then so be it.

"You know you're not supposed to spy on us don't you Ella? Adults need time to talk about adult things," you jump upon hearing the man say, not even having realised that he'd came in.

You simply sit on your bed, with your legs to your chest, waiting for whatever is going to happen, to happen.

I'll be okay Jimin,

I don't mind getting hurt if it means I get to be with you again.

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