Jiyeon - 16/07/2016

718 31 37

Awakening to the bright sunlight shining on your face, you blink a few times before sitting up and stretching, a tight feeling around your stomach.

Upon checking your phone for the time, you notice it's only 6:32am, giving you a whole 2 hours before you even need to leave for school, causing you to sign in annoyance.

After debating what to do for a good 10 minutes, you decide to head out for a walk, to get to know the neighbourhood and think a bit about everything.

You get changed into your usual attire, grab your bag and your blanket from your bed, before going into the front room, being careful not to wake anyone.

Placing the blanket gently over Mark, you quietly check to see if there's anything around to eat, and much to your happiness, find a chicken slice in the fridge, which you grab before putting your shoes on and leaving the apartment.

The food is devoured before you can even reach the bottom floor, although your stomach still feels tight and constricting, causing you to feel a little ill, the mild urge to vomit coming over you.

Leaving the apartment block, you hear your phone go off with a notification, upon checking, you find a message from Taehyung, and your heart drops, the fear of having to act the way you do overwhelming you.

Hey babe, why you awake so early? 💜

Ah, I just woke up and couldn't get back to sleep, what about you? ❤

You know you really shouldn't be following along with the hearts and things, especially considering what you'll have to do in the nearby future, but you can't just let yourself, as his current girlfriend, deny him that affection.

Haha I thought you knew, I rarely sleep remember? What are you doing now then? 💜

Just going for a walk, I have nothing else to do hah, what about you?

Well, now I'm walking towards your apartment block so I can meet you 😄💜

Ah crap, you've already walked a bit away from your house but not that far, so there's no doubt he'll catch up to you somewhere, not that that's a bad thing, you love Tae, just not in that way.

Ah it's okay! You don't have to 😊

I know, but I want to, and I can already see you so

Frantically looking up and around, you can't seem to spot the boy anywhere, before letting out a yelp when a pair of arms wrap around you from behind.

Quickly spinning around, you come face to face with a grinning Taehyung, who kisses you without hesitation, shock rapidly growing on your face, making you unable to kiss back.

"O-oh, hi," you let out once he pulls away, faking a smile as he hugs you tighter before removing his arms only to hold your hand.

"So," he starts, "where do you wanna go?" He chuckles, seeming a lot happier than usual, you can't understand how he and Jiyeon apparently argue all the time, he's such a ball of sunshine.

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