Ella - 29/04/2017

601 47 26

It's been about 3 weeks since that night where Jimin attacked Ellas dad, and you've been dating him since, as far as you can tell, you've achieved your goal, one night when Jimin was sleeping, you noticed his watch was on 0, and clearly nothing has happened to you.

Ellas mum wasn't in good shape after her husband got taken away, but she's improving, has her own job and the ability to do what she wants in her own house, you helped her learn how to be in control of her own life, and she's been laughing and smiling a lot more than before, it's the least you can do in all honesty.

Now you're in school, sat with Jimin and the others, happy as you ever could be, but, too happy.

You know this isn't real, but you can't bring yourself to think about it, about how you aren't you right now, about how soon you'll have to leave Jimin, about what's going on in the real world.

"You okay babe?" Jimin asks, snapping you out if your thoughts as you smile over at him.

"Yeah I'm good"

"Hey Ella, you wanna hear some gossip I overheard recently," Tae winks over at you as he stands up and walks off, your interest peaked, you follow him out into the quiet hallway.

"Gossip? Who abou-"

"No that was a lie," Tae sighs as he turns to you and looks you directly in the eyes, "do you still love Jimin?"

Your breath catches in your throat as you freeze up, unsure if what to say, you knew that sooner or later you'd have to break up with Jimin, and Taehyungs timing seems too perfect, like he knows what you have to do.

"I... I..."

Do you use this opportunity to finally break up with Jimin, and free Ella from her mental prison, or do you deny Taes accusation and find your own way of doing it?

"I... don't know..." You sigh, hating yourself for saying those words, but trying to force yourself to realise that it has to happen.

Tae nods sadly, seeming to understand what you're going through, before looking up at you with a determined smile, "I'll help you if you want, break up with him I mean, it's no fair you leading him on"

"I-I know that, but can I at least do it tomorrow, and just have today?"

"I guess," he laughs, "its kinda mean but I guess at least you made him happy" he adds, before looking through the window at the door to see Jimin laughing with the others, "I'd say do it tonight, but not over text, at least do it in person"

While you know that you're more than likely going to cry if you do it in person, you can't deny that Jimin doesn't deserve to be broken up with via text, so you nod in response to Tae, before heading back into the cafeteria and sitting with Jimin, hugging his arm tightly as he kisses you on the top of the head.

Wow is this going to be hard...


After school, you and Jimin head back to his place, on his motorbike of course, which you've come to get used to in all fairness, yet it still makes you happy when you're on it.

Once back at his place you both head inside, Jimin tackling you onto the sofa with hugs and tickles as soon as you step through the door, as he often does.

"Nooo stopp," you breathe out inbetween laughter, attempting the push the playful boy off of you, "No... more... tickles"

"Okay fine," Jimin laughs, before kissing you all of a sudden, you of course naturally melt into the kiss, but soon snap out of it when Jimin starts tickling you again causing you to laugh into the kiss.

Clockwork Memories《Jimin x Reader》Where stories live. Discover now