Jiyeon - 17/07/2016 2.0

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Looking down at the time on your phone, you decide to just get ready for the party now, it's only 7pm but you're not really sure how long it'll take to get there anyway.

By 7:15 you're completely ready and letting Mark know where you're going out to, to which he seems very worried, and tells you to be extra careful, and to make sure you're never on your own, especially when it gets really dark out.

You reassure him that you'll be fine, and that plenty of your friends will be there, before saying goodnight to Jack, who's in his PJs on the floor, playing with his toys as usual.

He smiles up at you, and opens his mouth to respond, but starts coughing before he can say anything, causing Mark to get up and go over to him, rubbing and patting his back as he coughs.

Unsure of whether maybe you should stay, you go to take your shoes off when Mark gives you a slight smile and a nod, letting you know that it's fine for you to go.

"You already bought medicine for him today, we'll be fine"

Nodding back in response, you head outside, bringing up the maps on your phone, only to be greeted with a text message notification from Taehyung.

I'm outside 💜

Quickly glancing around, you finally spot him off in the distance, stood by the same car he had when you were in Ella's body.

Looking up from his phone, he notices you and waves with a cute grin on his face, gesturing you to come over.

Taking a deep breath, you head over with a smile on your face, "what are you doing here?"

"Taking you to the party of course, what kind of a boyfriend would I be if I didnt pick you up," he grins, looking you up and down for a moment, "you look so cute," he giggles.

"Thanks," you smile back, "I didnt really have many nice clothes to choose from, so I was hoping this would be okay"

"You look amazing," he smiles again, pulling you in for a tight hug as he kisses you on the top of the head, his arms placed comfortably around your waist, his grip tightening.

"T-Tae," you manage to get out, "you're starting to hurt me," you add with a nervous chuckle.

"O-Oh, I'm so sorry," he quickly moves away, a shy smile on his face, "I just really really missed you"

"Didn't you see me like yesterday?" You laugh, an eyebrow raised at his somewhat adorable clingyness.

He simply takes your hand in his, and opens his mouth as if to say something, before sighing and turning towards the car, letting go of your hand in the process, you barely hear him mutter, "you wouldn't understand yet," as he opens the drivers side door and gets in.

Unsure of whether or not you should ask him about what he just said, or whether you should get in the car or just leave, you stand there, nervously waiting.

"Come on then, get in," he grins, almost as if he was never acting weird at all for that short moment, you go around to the other side of the car and get in, sitting awkwardly in the passenger seat next to him, gazing out the window as he starts driving to the party.

Arriving at a red light after about 10 minutes of driving, you continue to look out the window at the surrounding area, before feeling a hand rest itself on your thigh, causing a nervous blush to settle on your cheeks.

Squirming slightly, uncomfortable with what Tae is doing, he seems to notice and quickly moves his hand away, spurting out a sorry as he does, before muttering something under his breath, 'too soon', is what it sounds like he said, though you pretend not to hear it.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2020 ⏰

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