Ella - 06/04/2017

812 45 40

Lmao hi


"So that's all okay so far right?" Jimin asks as you both go over the last few pages of the project that you've almost half finished already.

You nod happily before letting out a yawn, it now being around 00:21, and flopping down on the familiar floor of Jimins front room.

"We ended up staying up pretty late doing this huh?" You laugh as the pink, slightly brighter than you recall, haired boy grins over at you, "do you wanna watch a film or something before we go to sleep?"

As tired as you are, you can tell Jimin won't be for at least another few hours, besides, you can't waste this chance to spend just a bit more quality time with him, and getting to snuggle up with him while watching a scary movie sounds like the perfect opportunity.

"Sure," you happily respond with a smile before reluctantly getting up to go over and look at the various DVDs that Jimin owns, while he makes his way to the kitchen, presumably to find some snacks.

Eventually you find a film that looks like it might be good, it's called Error and after reading the back of the case, you conclude that it seems to be about a couple in a futuristic world, the girl dies and her boyfriend attempts to bring her back to life in the body of a robot, but for what price?

Happy with your choice, you put the DVD in before sitting on the sofa comfy and ready, about to call for Jimin when you hear an annoyed sigh from the other room.

"Everything okay?" You call out as Jimin rushes towards the back door, throwing on his jacket and grabbing his shoes.

"I don't have any snack worthy food, so I'm gonna run to the shop real quick, anything you want in particular?" He explains, awaiting your answer.

"Just some sweets or crisps will be fine," you respond, before having a thought and quickly continuing, "fruit pastilles get fruit pastilles!" you excitedly shout, causing Jimin to laugh and nod before heading outside, the sound of his motorbike revving not long after.

Suddenly, you can't help but feel immensely alone, something about his house, makes you feel so alone.

Maybe it's because of what you've discovered here before, that night with Jimin, back in your life, the scars, the horrible horrible scars.

You shake your head, attempting to get the bad memories out of it, not really wanting a rerun of that night. Looking around, you realise you've never really explored Jimins house, and decide that this is the perfect opportunity.

Heading to the kitchen first, which you briefly remember, you notice your cheeks starting to heat up, spotting the island in the middle of the room, remembering that part of the night with Jimin. Quickly coughing as if to hide your embarrassment, despite there being no one around, you ignore the island and head to the cupboards, looking through them one by one.

You know that Jimin said he doesn't have a lot of food, but you didn't think he was this serious, practically every cupboard is empty, and all the fridge contains is a few bottles of alcohol, some energy drinks and about 3 ready meals, which probably belong in the freezer.

A deal of concern hovers over you as the house starts to feel even more empty, almost kind of sad, causing you to leave the kitchen in order to go and play some music on your phone, hoping it will stop you from feeling so alone and nervous.

Calming down a bit when EXOs Tempo comes on, you decide to continue exploring, heading next to the bedroom, which you've of course been in before, and with a bad experience rather than a good one like the kitchen.

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