25: Richie Tozier

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For RlCHlETOZlER ! Thanks for the request! I hope you like it...


"Just come over to my place." I said through the phone.

"That depends...are your parents home?" He said.

"For Christ sakes Richie! No, they aren't." I sighed.

"Alright...I'll be over in a few. See ya in a little, hot stuff." He said.

I could practically hear the grin on his face. Classic Richie, or trashmouth, as we call him.

I hung up and ran upstairs, changing into some pajama shorts and one of my older sisters shirts that was a little oversized.

Then I put my hair into a ponytail, just to get it all out of my face.

I heard the doorbell ring and I smiled, running downstairs.

Opening the door to see Richie, I smiled even bigger.

"Come in." I said moving over a little.

"Wow...I've never been over to your house before. It's nice." He said looking around.

Closing the door after him, "Thanks."

"Come on, we can go in my room." I said.

"Whoa...Whoa Whoa. Calm down now Nev, let's take it slow." He smirked.

"Oh shut up." I chuckled, grabbing his arm and pulling him upstairs.

I ran into my room and jumped on my bed.

"You have a tv in your room?" He asked amazed.

I chuckled, "Yeah...you don't?"

"No...we hardly ever even have food." He said shaking his head.

"Oh...I-I'm sorry. I heard about your parents. It must be tough and all." I said.

He looked at me and then down at the ground, playing with the button on his shirt.

"Did you bring the stuff?" I asked.

He smiled, "Yeah."

He took off his backpack and opened it, pulling out the things we needed for our project.

I went to my closet, pulling out the poster board thing.

"Alright, well I did the research part so I have everything already. All we have to do now is put it together." I smiled.

"Well, then let's get started." He grinned.


I opened my eyes slowly, seeing nothing but darkness. The only light was coming from my small nightlight I had in the corner of my room.

I was about to sit up until I felt something heavy on me. Looking down I see Richie with his head on my chest and his arm wrapped around my waist.

Smiling, I laid back down. I ran my fingers through his hair, hoping it would wake him up.

Not that I wanted him to move, I just really had to use the restroom.

I heard him groan and then felt him move a little.

"Rich...Richie I have to use the bathroom." I whispered.

He whimpered and lifted his head up slowly. Then he looked around, still with his arm around my waist.

"What happened?" He asked in a raspy voice.

I smiled, "Uh...I guess we fell asleep."

"Here." I handed him his glasses that were on my nightstand.

He looked at me then at the position he was in, and his face turned red immediately.

He darted up, flattening his shirt out.

"I'm um..." he cleared his throat, "I'm sorry."

I chuckled, "It's fine. You were tired."

Getting up, I made my way to my bathroom that was down the hall.

After I finished my business, I walked back to my room.

Richie was sitting on the end of my bed, looking down at his hands.

"You alright?" I asked softly.

He looked up and nodded, "Y-yeah."

I sat down next to him, "What's wrong?"


"It's okay to admit you are hurting...what's not okay is to keep it all bundled up." I said.

"That..that's not it." He whispered.

"Then what is it?"

He slowly turned to me, "I...I think I like you."

"You think?" I asked.

He blushed, "No..no I know I like you."

"Well that's amazing, cause I like you too." I could feel my cheeks heating up.

He grabbed my face and pulled it into his, placing his lips on top of mine softly.

After a few seconds, we pulled away.

"Will you...be my girlfriend?" He asked nervously.

"I'd be happy too." I smiled.

His face lit up making me giggle.

"Let's take another nap. I'm still tired." He said.

"Lazy ass." I muttered.

"Or...we can do something else..." he said as he raised his eyebrow.

I slapped him playfully, "Richie! I'm a child! We both are."

He laughed and pulled me up to the top of the bed. I sighed and laid on his chest this time, wrapping my arms around his waist.

"Good night, Nev." He whispered as he placed a kiss on top of my head.

"Good night, Richie." I replied.


I hope you liked it! If not I'm terribly sorry...I tried to make it as close to what u requested as possible.

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