Accidents Happen (Part 1)

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Swinging from building to building, Peter Parker had completed another day being New York City's friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man, at least as far as Queen's saw it.

He settled on some apartment building, tall enough to see a skyline of buildings but not enough to drown out the noise of traffic below. The sun was setting over the city, and to be honest he wasn't expecting anything new to happen, until he looked at his phone.

It was 7:46pm. (Y/N) should have pulled up by then, but as he looked around the corner your car wasn't in sight, and by your car he meant the fancy transport cars the airport uses as makeshift, licensed taxies. There had been a spike in people pretending to be cab drivers so this was how they solved that problem, while getting a profit from their overpriced services.

(Y/N) was coming home from a visit to Toronto for her father's work, and Peter was getting slightly inpatient. She was supposed to be home at six, he had booked a private performance of *If I Could Tell Her from Dear Evan Hansen (provided by Tony Stark, who grew more and more tired of how Peter was filling his voice mail with messages about this 'amazing friend from school who he didn't know how to ask out') for eight, and then he was hoping they would spend the rest of the night with a perfect view of Queens on top of some roof.

The sick feeling of nervousness grew bigger and bigger at the back of his throat. Was she okay? Flights come in late all the time. 

What if something bad happened? 

What if everything still goes according to plan but she still rejects him? 

He knew these anxieties were just his mind goofing off, especially the last one because Michelle, who got irritated of Peter not knowing if (Y/N) would like him or not, took the liberty of asking her herself in the girls washroom the day before she left for Canada. What no one was expecting was for (Y/N) to slip an entire love confession, and just like Peter she was too shy to say anything.

Basically, there was no way for this to go wrong. He had the perfect night planned, and with Michelle not lying (because oops he was eavesdropping on their conversation) Peter was about to become the luckiest guy he could think of.

He picked up his phone to call Tony, telling him that they would have to reschedule the private viewing when he got a call from (Y/N).

"Hey Peter," she said happily, "I'm about five minutes away, our flight got delayed, sorry for not telling you!"

"Yeah, yeah it's cool!" Peter replied, trying to find the right words to put together. "So, uh, how was your trip?"

"Oh, it was g-hey there's a trUCK WATCH FOR THE-" the line went silent, and the call ended just as Peter heard a crash off in the distance, along with the screeches of other cars skidding along the roads not too far away.

It took him no time at all to get back to webbing himself from building to building, making his way to a scene that would haunt him for months to come: the car with the airport logo on the side was upside down and the front of the truck in question was totalled. There was a huge dent on the passenger's side, and the other was close to flattened by a brick wall.

He landed closer to the car, looking in the windows. (Y/N) was in the middle row, closest to the wall. Peter (well, Spider-Man) pulled the car door off, which detached from the body all too easily, and pulled her out of the wreckage. He sat her down close by, but her legs were bent in all the wrong places and were bleeding a lot. He did go back for her father and the driver, but they were so gruesomely mutilated there was no possible way they could still be alive.

He turned back to look at (Y/N) who was going into shock, with her breathing becoming deep yet rapid.

"Stay with me (Y/N)! It's gonna be okay. Please just focus on me; you're going to be fine!"

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