Accidents Happen Pt. 2

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The hospital only wanted to keep (Y/N) in until the following Friday, which was pretty short considering the fact that some people are kept multiple weeks at a time. Peter was having dinner at home before a visit, and somehow the conversation shifted to (Y/N).

"Hey, I need to tell you something before we go today." She said nervously. "Because (Y/N)'s father left me as (Y/N)'s secondary guardian, and she has no other family to go to, we are going to have her live here after she's released."

Peter couldn't help but smile. (Y/N) live here? She used to visit enough for her to be considered a member of the household, but now she actually will be! "That's awesome May!"

"Yeah, it is!" She spoke enthusiastically. "But just so we're clear, we don't have a spare room, and because you already have a bunk bed I figured that it would be best if you share your room with her, and Peter; Even though she's your girlfriend-."

Peter nearly choked on his spaghetti. First Tony, then Michelle and now May? Exactly how many people assumed he and (Y/N) were officially together already?

"We're not dating, and she's not my girlfriend..."

"Are you serious Peter? What do you mean she's not your girlfriend?"

"I mean she's not my girlfriend."

"Oh boy, you're killing me here! I've seen the way she looks at you, and the way you look at her. Peter you always look like you are an inch from proposing to her! Just tell her you love her already, and don't you dare tell me you don't."

Peter blushed, not knowing what to say. He was flustered, and the red on his ears showed it.

"Okay," May said more calmly, "just tell her, and make it sweet. Be you Peter. And also don't do gross stuff in my apartment. That's weird."

"Yes Ma'am."


They spent the day eating packaged oatmeal chocolate chip cookies and talking about stuff, like how (Y/N) was growing tired of the lumpy, foul smelling mac and cheese at the hospital, and how Ned came in earlier and gave her a Harry Potter Lego set.

When May broke the news about (Y/N) living with them, she had a classic teary eyed drama moment when both ladies hugged each other and such. As usual, May had to leave them early to sort out some paperwork, but when visiting hours ended and Peter had to leave, May eagerly asked him in private if he confessed to (Y/N), which he didn't, and so grounded him from building Legos with Ned until (Y/N) was home.

The Friday couldn't have come soon enough. Peter went to her room, helped her into her wheelchair, and rolled her back outside, where May had parked the car. Peter got (Y/N) into the car as May got her chair into the trunk, as once everyone was set they drove back home.

The first few weeks were tough. The landlord wanted the things from (Y/N)'s old apartment out, so all three of them had to go and help sort stuff out. (Y/N) got her clothes done first, picking out things she liked and fit, and decided to send the things she didn't want to a local women's shelter. That was easy, but sorting through her father's stuff was horrible. She kept a lot, like the all pictures, certificates and awards, his favorite tie, a lot of his books and his computer. She also made sure that all his clothes were going to go to good places as well, because he taught (Y/N) that what one person doesn't need or want could help improve the life of another. In terms of furniture, it mostly got sold on amazon, or given to someone else in the building. (Y/N) took her desk and swivel chair, but other than that everything else had to go. After everything was said and done, what used to be a home was now an empty collection of rooms.

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